The current ldp-desc script converts an RDF file into a HTML document. The RDF file contains descriptions of HTTP request/response pairs in the W3C HTTP Vocabulary using URIs in RFC 6570 URI Template syntax. The look and feel of the HTML document emulates OpenAPI descriptions.
$ npm install
$ npm run build
The script dist/src/index.js
reads RDF in Turtle syntax from stdin and outputs HTML to stdout.
To create an HTML document from an RDF description, run the following command.
$ cat desc/msds-api.ttl | node dist/src/index.js > desc/msds-api.html
The desc/msds-api.ttl
file contains descriptions of individual HTTP request/response pairs or HTTP request/response templates.
rdfs:label "Retrieve information about /msds/{hostname}/" ;
http:method "GET" ;
http:absolutePath "/msds/{hostname}/" ;
http:resp [ http:statusCodeNumber 200 ] .
The desc/msds-api.ttl
file also contains general descriptions.
<> a owl:Ontology ;
dc:title "Minimal Solid Dataspace Server API" ;
owl:versionInfo "0.1.0 (Waischenfeld)" ;
rdfs:seeAlso :hostname .
The first three triples contain general information.
The dc:title
becomes the h1
tag in the generated HTML document.
The owl:versionInfo
is rendered after the title.
The rdfs:seeAlso
triple(s) link to groups of HTTP requests (read on).
To be able to group HTTP requests together, ldp-desc abuses the http:requests
property, which is supposed to relate multiple HTTP requests to a connection.
:hostname http:requests :READ-hostname-200 ;
rdfs:label "Hosts" ;
rdfs:comment "The collection resource for hosts identified via hostname." .
In ldp-desc, we interpret a "connection" as a group of HTTP requests, where the rdfs:label
becomes a h2
tag in the generated HTML document and the rdfs:comment
is rendered as a brief description.
The generated HTML file references style.css
Make sure that the CSS file is in the same directory as the generated HTML document. (
Note to self: for inspiration a very basic W3C Web of Things Thing Description in Turtle serialisation.
@prefix td: <> .
@prefix htv: <> .
@prefix hctl: <> .
@prefix wotsec: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix jsonschema: <> .
@prefix bdo: <> .
@prefix sbo: <> .
[] a td:Thing ;
td:title "Flower"@en ;
td:description "Xiaomi Flower Care sensor in room 40."@en ;
td:hasPropertyAffordance [
td:name "temperature" ;
jsonschema:readOnly "True" ;
td:description "In degrees Celsius."@en ;
bdo:pattern "{temp}0000000000023c00fb349b";
td:hasForm [
sbo:methodName sbo:read;
hctl:hasTarget "gatt://${MAC}/00001204-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb/00001a01-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb";
hctl:hasOperationType td:invokeAction
] .