Februrary 2018 release
released this
01 Feb 09:31
1470 commits
to master
since this release
This release is the first since March 2017, with a lot of changes.
Some highlights:
- Wire: Optimized networking of wires themselves, optimized Think hook processing lots of ents per tick
- Debugger: Cleaned up + added to Context Menu
- Digital Screen: Optimized network transfer + buffer client loading + buffer server sending
- Grabber: Now attaches to world
- Pod Controller: Now 'Allow Buttons' works on anything that can be Used (EGP screens, etc)
- Wheels: Fixed updated torque not duping
- Hydraulic/Motor: Can now be updated
- Teleporter: Fixed deleting itself if parented
- Oscilloscope: Optimized networking of the least used ent in wiremod, probably
- Linkable Ents (Pod/Cam Controller, Exit Point, EGP Hud, Keyboard): Now links itself to the closest vehicle in the contraption if you try to link to a prop
- Data Plug/Socket: Improved, added Weld Strength/Attach Distance settings. These things are retro and cool
- E2 Editor: Fixed custom colours not loading; fixed Linux clipboard issues
- E2: Started adding compiler optimizations for constants (ie. X = 606024*1000)
- E2: foreach(Keys:can now have a type)
- E2: Improved the wire_expression2_ram_emergency_shutdown_enable convar, which paranoidly halts all E2's in the event of very high server ram usage
- E2: Add E:use() (simulates the owner Using an entity, ie. Wire User)
- E2: Add E:children() (returns array of ents where E is the parent), E:creationID()
- E2: Add E:setName(S) "Wire Namer" functionality
- E2, Thrusters: Clamp numbers used in applyForce to prevent crashes
- Vanilla Duplicator: Now triggers E2's dupefinished()
- ZCPU: Fixed something to do with paging flags/interrupts, I think
- Wire Dev: Added a travis build system for PR's using luacheck linters to improve code quality; resolved several hidden bugs resulting from this
- aaaand lots of bug fixes!