Links to iOS/Mac/Audio related code samples and articles of interest
- Attributed String in Swift: the right way
- Batch Updating of Constraints
- What is reactive programming and why should I use it?
- Method Dispatch in Swift
- Introducing Protocol Oriented Programming
- Stack View Constraint Conflicts When Hiding Views
- CwlSignal, a library for reactive programming
- AudioKit Tutorial: Getting Started
- The fastest Diff and patch library in Swift
- Working without a nib, Part 8: The nib awakens
- Using Monads and Other Functional Paradigms in Practice
- Compare several Swift JSON mappers
- Objective-C id as Swift Any
- Specifying function execution contexts
- Test Your App On Any Device You Want, Without The Hardware From the Command Line
- Command line tool that generates excellent Swift data models based on JSON data
- Passing an Array of Strings from Swift to C
- Unowned or Weak? Lifetime and Performance
- Xcode internal debug logs
- Whole-Module Optimization in Swift 3
- Paying Down Technical Knowledge Debt
- Enum Raw Values and Failable Initializers
- Structs and NSCoding
- AsyncOperations
- Function Naming In Swift 3
- Event Delivery on iOS: Part 1
- Event Delivery on iOS: Part 2
- Event Delivery on iOS: Part 3
- ARC and Memory Management in Swift
- View Routing Concepts in Swift
- How To Use Covariance and Contravariance to Build Flexible and Robust Programs
- Slicing
- Escaping and Nonescaping Closures in Swift 3
- Implementing AVAssetResourceLoaderDelegate
- Copying
- Operators, Operators, Operators: Introducing Precedence
- MVVM-C A simple way to navigate
- Sort Descriptors in Swift
- Strings in Swift 3
- Advanced ObjC <-> Swift Interoperability
- Data in Swift 3 parsing a Doom WAD File
- The Implicitly Unwrapped Optional and when to use it
- Drag and Drop Tutorial for macOS
- Simultaneous Xcode 7 and Xcode 8 compatibility
- Slow App Startup Times
- Preventing Popovers on Popovers
- Wire iOS client
- Apple Configuration Profile for Logging in iOS 10 and macOS Sierra
- Migrating Code Signing Configurations to Xcode 8
- Multiplatform, Single-scheme Xcode Projects
- Objective-C and Swift dependency visualizer
- Immutable models and data consistency in our iOS App
- A web framework and server for Swift that works on macOS and Ubuntu
- Protocol oriented loading of resources from a network service in Swift
- Hannibal #selector
- Real World Flux Architecture on iOS
- Let’s create a Calendar supporting EventKit using a UICollectionView!
- My Rules for Mutable Foundation Collection Objects
- Sierra and Gatekeeper Path Randomization
- Getting Started With Swift 3.0 Part I
- Parsing whitespace in an Xcode extension
- Why Do Monads Matter?
- UIImage thread safety (@steipete)
- Caching and NSURLConnection
- Xcode 8 Tips and Tricks
- Practical Protocol-Oriented-Programming
- Managing Build Settings and Avoiding pbxproj Conflicts
- Mutexes and closure capture in Swift
- Removing Weak Self Pointers
- Swifty Objective-C
- PaperOnboarding is a material design slider
- Comparing Swift to C++ for parsing
- Investigating the Cause of Quadratic Time Complexity When Adding Subviews in UIKit
- Recursive Tail Calls and Trampolines in Swift
- Tweak your iOS app without recompiling!
- Nodality for AudioKit: Node Based Synth for iPad
- When To Set Constraint Priority Less Than 1000 – A Case Study
- Taking Control of Xcode Issue Navigator with XcodeIssueGenerator
- Continuous iOS Code Coverage With Jenkins and Slather
- CSP (Coroutines, Channels, Select) for Swift
- 15 Days of Animations in Swift
- C Callbacks in Swift
- Locking in WebKit (WTF::Lock)
- Swift's nonmutating Keyword
- CareKit is an open source software framework for creating apps that help people better understand and manage their health.
- Unofficial GitHub API client in Swift
- Modular framework, creating and using them
- Xcode Search: the Hidden Gems
- Running UI Tests on iOS With Ludicrous Speed
- Adaptive Layout Tutorial for iOS
- Understanding UISplitViewController
- Managing Build Settings and Avoiding pbxproj Conflicts
- iOS Push Notification Background Download Demystified
- Swift Mistakes I’ve Made – Learning Swift Best Practices
- Presentation Controllers and Adaptive Presentations
- Clean Layout with iOS9
- Migration From iOS to Mac — Part I: App Anatomy
- Swift Strings
- NSNotifications with userInfo in Swift 2.2
- Beyond Crusty: Real-World Protocols
- NSOutlineView on OS X Tutorial
- Readable Content Guides
- PaintCode Tutorial for Developers: Custom Progress Bar
- Adding live search to Jazzy docs
- Using Vector Images in Xcode
- You're Doing It Wrong #2: Sizing labels with sizeWithFont
- How to Create Custom Project Templates in Xcode 7
- Text System Organization
- MathBox - Graphical Algebra and Fourier Analysis
- Linking Objective-C Code
- An Introduction to Unicode
- Swift asserts - the missing manual
- An iOS app reproducing performance issues when loading dynamic library images through dyld
- Fun and Fast Audio with Swift
- Markov Chains
- KVO for Swift - Value Observing and Events
- Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier
- Gathering system information in Swift with sysctl
- View controller lifecycle behaviors
- VIPER to be or not to be?
- Using Xcode and Swift Package Manager Together
- Algorithms and data structures in Swift, with explanations!
- A curated list of iOS ecosystem stuff
- Source code to Apple SourceKit
- Expired Apple WWDR cert discussion
- Interacting with C Variables & Pointers in Swift
- Transitioning From Objective C to Swift in 4 Steps – Without Rewriting The Existing Code
- What every iOS Developer should be doing with Instruments
- Fix Issue: Provisioning and Code Signing
- Prevent Unit Tests from Loading AppDelegate in Swift
- How to Easily Switch Your App Delegate for Testing
- Apple Pencil Tutorial: Getting Started
- FoldingCell cell animation
- 5 Tips to be More Productive with
- Proportional Spacing With Auto Layout
- Swift Struct Storage
- Sparkle updater vulnerability
- Why developers hate being interrupted
- Xcode project file merging
- Image Caching
- Seven Swift Snares & How to Avoid Them
- A Modern Network Operation
- Mac App Store Sandbox Testing
- Command line provisioning profile tool
- MIDI Library for Objective-C and Swift OS X and iOS apps
- Swift Synth music app and source code
- Generics in Swift
- Swift asserts - the missing manual
- Testing Delegates in Swift with XCTest
- Design 101 for Developers
- NSURLSession Tutorial: Getting Started
- Unidirectional Data Flow in Swift: An Alternative to Massive View Controllers
- Runtime Hacking for Fun and Profit
- Universal Links, with a Nod to Other Web-Like Advances
- LLVM and design decisions, Chris Lattner
- Programming Language Theory
- AgileCloudKit: iCloud Sync Gets Its Wings
- Parallax Headers with MXParallaxHeader
- Creating your first iOS Framework
- Exploring Swift Array's Implementation
- Typed, yet Flexible Table View Controller
- A library of Swift extensions for Cocoa
- Value-type generic Stack in Swift with pointers & COW
- Modern application architectures (Reactive programming, MVVM and beyond)
- iOS Architecture Patterns
- Introduction to Functional Programming in Swift
- Beyond the Grid — Creating Unique, High Performance Interfaces With UICollectionView
- Asynchronicity and the Main Thread: Part 1
- Asynchronicity and the Main Thread: Part 2
- Presentation Controllers Adaptive Presentations
- Xcode plugin to load project specific .lldbinit
- OS X NSTableView Tutorial
- Test automation for iOS
- When (not) to use guard
- A Structy Model Layer
- Details matter - harnessing the power of Core Animation
- Swift String Cheat Sheet
- Swift Type Constrained Extensions Express Yourself
- Writing Xcode plugins in Swift
- Implementing Custom Columns Layout in OmniFocus for Mac
- An Objective-C attributed string generation library
- Fixing Code Signing with match
- Architecting iOS Apps with VIPER
- Generic Protocols & their shortcomings
- Classes and Structs
- Debugging Core Animation on OS X
- Why you should understand (a little) about TCP
- Why is Swift's String API So Hard?
- Weak, Strong, Unowned, Oh My! - A guide to references in Swift
- Thread Safety Basics
- Testing View Controllers with Quick
- Extracts Xcode project build settings into xcconfig files
- iOS Functional Testing With User Stories, UI Test and Local Server
- Generics
- The Swift Reflection API and what you can do with it
- The Project File Part 1: Composition
- The Project File Part 2: Schemes and Targets
- Provides automated test to detect runtime conflicts of constraints
- Thinking in Swift, Part 1: Saving ponies
- Shoot the Heap
- Nullability and Objective-C
- Advanced & Practical Enum usage in Swift
- Optional?
- Better Unit Testing with Swift
- Apple TV: A World Without Webviews
- iOS Continuous Integration: Uploading your Pipeline
- Agile Is The New Waterfall
- NSData, My Old Friend
- Exploring Apple’s 3D Touch
- Push/Pop modal SFSafariViewController (Hacking swipe from edge gesture)
- *-Oriented Programming
- Objects as closures - Abstract semantics of object oriented languages
- Working with CFunction pointers in Swift
- Thinking in Swift, Part 4: map all the things!
- Inspecting Auto Layout with the Cocoa Layout Instrument
- How to stay up to date on iOS development
- Adding 3D Touch Quick Actions
- Coordinators Redux
- 8 Patterns to Help You Destroy Massive View Controller
- A Look Into Realm's Core DB Engine
- Using ccache for Fun and Profit
- Notions of Equality in Swift
- guard & defer
- A different approach to UITableView delegate methods: a cool use of Swift’s enums
- Swift 2.1
- Clean and clear iOS MIDI including Wi-Fi
- What the heck is a monad?
- Ranges and Intervals in Swift
- Generate Xcode image catalogs app icons, universal images
- Using the UIViewController previewing APIs (Apple Sample Code)
- A library to simplify iOS animations in Swift
- Universal Links
- Using Size Classes to Hide Stack View Contents
- Code examples for new iOS 9 features
- An Illustrated History of objc_msgSend
- App Design on Yosemite
- UI Testing Cheat Sheet and Examples
- Mastering the tvOS Focus Engine
- Class for logging excessive blocking of the main thread
- How to Use updateConstraints
- Reactive Swift: upgrading to ReactiveCocoa 3.0
- Higher Order Functions: Map, Filter, Reduce and more – Part 1
- UI Testing in Xcode 7
- Switching Your Brain to Swift
- Swift and C functions
- Top Tips for iOS 9 Development
- Querying URL Schemes With canOpenURL
- Aspect-Oriented Programming and ARAnalytics
- Aspect-oriented programming
- Auto Layout 101
- tvOS SDK: An iOS Developer’s Initial Impressions
- Audio toolkit for audio synthesis, processing and analysis (with Docs)
- Swift Pattern Matching in Detail
- Mysteries of Auto Layout, Part 2
- Dynamic Dispatch and Whole Module Optimization
- Practical introduction to functional programming - now with Swift
- How on Earth the Facebook iOS Application is so large
- Implementing Sticky Input Field in iOS
- Simple, fast, colorful, flexible and customizable NSLog replacement
- Simplifying RESTful API Use & Data Persistence on iOS with Mantle + Realm
- The Unbugged Sessions Part 1
- Xcode Server Tutorials: 1. Getting Started
- Xcode Server Tutorials: 2. Integrations
- LLVM For Grad Students
- Arrays, Linked Lists and Performance
- Replacing Loops in Swift
- A Little Respect for AnySequence
- Improving Notification Center
- A Size Class Reference Guide
- Tagged Pointer Strings
- UIPresentationController popover detection
- Lightweight iOS framework adding night mode/theme to your iOS app
- The Journey of Apple Pay at JUST EAT
- iOS9 Day-by-Day :: Day 1 :: Search APIs
- UICollectionViews Now Have Easy Reordering
- Controlling Complexity in Swift — or — Making Friends with Value Types
- If you're subclassing, you're doing it wrong
- 15 Ways to Optimise Product Screens in Native Retail Apps
- Why you need design
- Adapting Stack Views With Size Classes
- How iOS ViewControllers communicate with each other
- Swift Functors, Applicatives, and Monads in Pictures
- Things I learnt about the Photos framework
- Using the Address Sanitizer
- System Integrity Protection (a.k.a. Rootless)
- Create beautiful and engaging onboarding experiences with few lines of code
- init? vs init throws
- Similarly different: join(), reduce() and flatMap() in Swift 2
- Adapting Stack Views With Size Classes
- Swift objects Reflection
- Address Sanitizer
- NSValue and Boxed Expressions
- GaugeKit
- More on Identification within Mac Storyboards
- Tutorial: iOS Reverse Engineering Part I: LLDB
- Scripting in Swift
- X-ray of a real application
- Merge & Diff Arrays in Swift
- A cheat-sheet for mathematical notation in code form
- Valet lets you securely store data in the iOS or OS X Keychain
- Debugging Exceptions in Xcode
- NSHipster on CloudKit
- App Transport Security Technote
- A repository of Swift related information
- An iOS/OSX bridge for sending messages between Obj-C and JavaScript
- Lazy Initialization with Swift
- BFKit is a collection of useful classes to develop Apps faster
- NSHipster on iOS 9
- GitFlow considered harmful
- The Ghost of Swift Bugs Future
- Swift 2 error handling in practice
- View for building card like interface
- Swift: Throw What Don't Throw
- Black Pixel on Swift 2
- Exploration of SDK Bundles
- Introducing Swift Education
- Changes to the Swift Standard Library in 2.0 beta 1
- What's new in Swift 2
- IB_DESIGNABLE Custom Views in Interface Builder
- Why understanding monads is important
- Build Stability
- Why you should start using @weakify and @strongify macros
- WebDAVNav Server is a basic WebDAV server which can be used to quickly share files and folders from your Mac with other computers
- 27 iOS open source libraries to skyrocket your development
- Concurrent Memory Deallocation in the Objective-C Runtime
- How Not to Crash #3: NSNotification
- How Not to Crash #4: Threading
- Watch OS 1.0.1 Controller Life Cycle Changes
- A Periscope-inspired way to ask for iOS permissions
- Automatic keyboard manager (see interesting state chart of KB interactions)
- Remote control your iOS app using Nu (lisp-on-objc)
- An adorable little framework and command line tool for interacting with SourceKit.
- Optionals and "if-let"
- PaintCode Tutorial for Developers: Getting Started
- View Debugging in Xcode 6
- Reveal Tutorial: Live View Debugging
- OS X Tutorial: Menus and Popovers in Menu Bar Apps
- Demystifying Retain Cycles in ARC
- A UIView that uses Flexbox for layouting
- Stencil Xcode Plugin
- Inspect return value of methods with breakpoints & debugger
- Atomics in Objective-C
- Hacking UIView animation blocks for fun and profit
- GitHub Pull Requests with Xcode Bots
- In-App Debugging Tool with Touch Replaying/Recording, App State Screenshots & More
- Template auto layout cell for automatically UITableViewCell height calculating
- WatchKit Development Tips
- Continuous Integration & Deployment for iOS Projects
- Why the implementation of ARC's objc_autoreleaseReturnValue differs for x86_64 and ARM?
- Hardcover takes coverage reports, stores them on server & comments on pull requests
- Build Automation Tools
- Protocols and Generics in Swift
- Introduction to Custom View Controller Transitions and Animations
- Printing Objective-C Invocations in LLDB
- UIWindow subclass for detecting when Control Center is opened
- Custom Label to apply animations on whole text or letters
- A category on WKInterfaceTable that makes configuring tables with multi-dimensional data easier
- Follow These Guidelines and Never Struggle with Xcode Code Signing Again
- Guillotine Menu. Transitioning Animation implemented in Swift
- CFNetwork Diagnostic Logging
- Lightweight multi-platform, multi-architecture disassembly framework
- Scripting in Swift
- Swift in Production:
- Xcode plugin for creating beautiful CAMediaTimingFunction curve
- Swift: Foundational bits, extensions, etc. This contains more generic functionality
- Swift Planet Issue 8
- Part 1: Why Immutability and Pass-by-Value?
- Part 2: Why Immutability and Pass-by-Value?
- Swift: Raw{Not}Representable enum
- How to Easily Switch Your App Delegate for Testing
- Reactive Swift
- Blocking Code Injection on iOS and OS X
- Swift changes between 1.2b2 and 1.2b3
- NSScanner
- Primer on Digital Signal Procesing
- Android for iOS Developers
- Functional Programming for Everyone Else
- Ditching Core Data
- FLEX 2.0
- Conservative vs Liberal Coding
- Replacement for UILabel that supports attributes, data detectors, links, & more
- THGDispatch module, includes GCD bits such as Queues, Groups, Timer, Semaphore, etc
- M7 Pedometer
- An elegant library for stubbing HTTP requests with ease in Swift
- UINavigationBar Category which allows you to change its background dynamically
- Clone of car view layout in City Guide App
- OSX Reverse Engineering Resources
- Managing Pull Requests For GitHub and GitHub Enterprise Servers
- Swift 1.2
- DTrace script to watch CFPrefs action (NSUserDefaults)
- An iOS and OSX audio visualization framework built upon Core Audio
- Clang warnings table
- A Performance Enhancement for Variable-Height NSTableViews
- Unit Testing Precision
- Is your programming language unreasonable?
- Animated side menu with customizable UI
- How To Use The 3 Instruments You Should Be Using
- A Software Engineer’s Adventures In Learning Mathematics
- Faster Photos in Facebook for iOS (PJPEG)
- UIBezierPath exploration
- Sequences and Generators (Swift)
- A discussion of Bindings and KVO
- A Deep dive on iOS7 vs iOS8 bug
- Stanford iOS 8 Development course, now using Swift
- A practical introduction to functional programming
- MPW, Carbon and building Classic Mac OS apps in OS X
- Objective C foundation tool command line interface library
- Bypassing OpenSSL Certificate Pinning in iOS Apps
- Finite States of America
- UIKit Debug Mode
- Higher Order Functions: Map, Filter, Reduce and more – Part 1
- Collaboration app for UI designers & developers
- Speeding Up Custom Script Phases
- Modules and Precompiled Headers
- Objective-C's Designated Secret
- Message passing between iOS apps and extensions
- An API for manipulating Xcode project files
- Deploy screenshots, app metadata and app updates to the App Store using just one command.
- Easy to use and customizable messages/notifications for iOS Ă la Tweetbot
- pbxproj file format explanation
- A magnifying glass for iOS
- Hopper + lldb for iOS Developers: A Gentle Introduction
- Anivia is Walmart's mobile analytics platform
- The waterfall (i.e., Pinterest-like) layout for UICollectionView
- A customizable calendar view for iOS.
- Adaptive Design: Just Getting It
- A collection of iOS7 animation controllers and interaction controllers, providing flip, fold and all kinds of other transitions
- A simple, decentralized dependency manager for Cocoa
- A framerate meter that clicks like a Geiger counter when your animation drops a frame
- Overlay view synchronized with playback controls for MPMoviePlayerController
- Core Location and iOS8
- Android Tutorial for Beginners: Part 1
- The missing Spotlight plugin system
- Let's Build NSZombie
- Backwards compatible UIAlertController for iOS 7 & 8
- Open-source audio synthesis, processing, & analysis platform
- First Go at Using IB_DESIGNABLE and IBInspectable
- NSHipster's take on UISplitViewController
- Simple, modern, thread-safe key-value observing for iOS and OS X
- Continuous Integration With Xcode Server
- Vector images in the Asset Catalogue
- Realm is a mobile database: a replacement for Core Data & SQLite
- A Mailbox style grid menu with a blurred background
- iOS 7/8 style side menu with parallax effect
- Elegant Line Graphs for iOS (charting library)
- Objective-C Runtime Browser, for Mac OS X and iOS
- CocoaLumberjack: Logging on Steroids
- A Siri like voice visualization view using EZAudio. Modified from SISinusWaveView for iOS
- Using GCD and Blocks Effectively
- Xcode 6, Server 4 & Developer ID Signed Builds
- The Objective-C blocks utilities you always wish you had
- Autosizing Collection View Cells
- Memory alignment issues on ARM
A framework for displaying notifications similar to Apple's iOS 7 and iOS 8 notifications
Saturday: October 25th 2014:
iOS UUID / Universally Unique Identifiers library as alternative to UDID and identifierForVendor
- OS X 10.10 Release Notes Cocoa Foundation Framework
- OS X 10.10 Yosemite Release Notes Cocoa Application Framework
- OS X v10.9 to OS X v10.10 API Differences
- App Extension Programming Guide
- Solution for keeping any UIView visible when the keyboard is being shown
- AsyncDisplayKit is an iOS framework that keeps even the most complex user interfaces smooth and responsive.
- Scott Goodson - Behind AsyncDisplayKit
- iOS project bootstrap and templates
- CNPPopupController is a simple and versatile class for presenting a custom popup in a variety of fashions
- LibComponentLogging provides built-in log levels for distinguishing between error messages, informational messages, and fine-grained trace messages for debugging
- iOS 8 Today Extension Tutorial
- Beginning CloudKit Tutorial
- iOS 8 Visual Effects Tutorial
- Git Fu With The Command Line
- Navigating a New Codebase: Tips and tricks for getting up to speed quickly
- Adaptive Layouts for iPhone 6 Plus
- Capturing My(self)
- Don’t Miss These Navigation Bar Interactions in iOS8
- Asynchronous Testing With Xcode 6
- Reduction in Force. reduce()
- Code examples for the new functions of iOS 8
- For anyone developing apps that manage photos or videos, meet your new best friend: PHImageManager
- Video: Facebook's iOS Infrastructure - @Scale 2014 Mobile
- Emulating aspect-fit behaviour using AutoLayout constraints in Xcode 6
- Writing Thread-Safe Classes with GCD
- UICollectionView Cell Scroll to centre (Hack)
- Building Custom UI Elements with IBDesignable
- ANDLineChartView is easy to use view-based class for displaying animated line chart.
- Replacing Launch Images with Storyboards
- Auto layout best practices for minimum pain
- Writing Less Code
- Property mapping for iOS apps.
- Model framework for Cocoa and Cocoa Touch
- Finally, see the github site wider
- OSX App that checks or changes the “quarantine” attribute of other applications
- Swift Debugging Tips
- Yet another: How to parse JSON in Swift
- Flat button with 9 different states using POP
- Design Patterns implemented in Swift
- iOS Debugging Tricks: Extended Type Info in Objective-C
- OSX: NSScrollView and Autolayout
- Self Sizing Table View Cells-Dynamic Type Everywhere
- Apple Swift Balloons playground
- Locking in Swift: Helping Protect Me from Myself
- A simple iOS photo browser with optional grid view, captions and selections.
- New Image Viewer/Browser inspired by Facebook for IOS
- Self Sizing Table View Cells
- Big Nerd Ranch: Leveling Up
- Big Nerd Ranch: A Lurking Horror in Debugging
- Boolean, New Apple Swift blog entry
- AMScrollingNavbar: Creating a Cocoapod
- Scrollable UINavigationBar that follows the scrolling of a UIScrollView
- A pure Swift library for creating command-line interfaces
- Cocoa framework for updating OS X apps (like Sparkle)
- Glyphish: Asset color changer
- Glyphish: Asset browser/viewer
- Thinking In Terms Of iOS 8 Size Classes
- Inspects your iOS/OSX project and warns about possible bugs, as well as about maintainability and style issues
- iBeacons: Lessons Learned
- Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals In Depth
- Demonstrates a way to do Yosemite-style animated controls
- Error Handling in Swift: Might and Magic
- Swift: Learning about type constraints
- Prototyping with Facebook's Origami
- Swift Documentation
- Swift: Collection and Sequence Helpers
- Sample SSL client code for correct endpoint validation
- Popular Math Insights (Scroll down, lots of cool stuff)
- FLEX, In app debugging framework
- Clean up of Apple's reachability code
- A UIScrollView subclass that intelligently handles multiple child scroll views
- A command-line interface for accessing WWDC session content
- More modern fork of GitX. No longer shells out to git
- The ultimate API for iOS & OS X Auto Layout — impressively simple, immensely powerful
- Swift Is Not Functional
- Apple has a blog about Swift, whoa!
- Inspecting Yosemite Icons
- Mike Ash on the Secrets of Swift's Speed
- UIView subclass that bends its edges when its position changes
- Dynamic Table View Cell Height and Auto Layout
- VBFJellyView tutorial (animated view bounds)
- Report on Crash Reporting Frameworks
- Custom UIButton effect inspired by Google Material Design
- Nice button transition in Swift
- Using LLVM in your toolchain. New book!
- Mike Ash on Interesting Swift Features
- Giving Animations Life
- Community-supported catalog of iOS and OSX libraries in Swift
- Setting up the simulator from the command line
- Links and material produced during the very awesome hackathon at FB HQ
- Swift and JSON Reborn (JSON Parsing in Swift)
- Value Observing and Events for Swift
- Unwrapping Multiple Swift Optionals
- Building the Xcode Plugin Snapshots
- An Xcode Plugin to show the state of FBSnapshot Tests
- The better way to deal with JSON data in Swift
- A practical exploration of Apple's Swift programming language
- Leveraging AutoLayout for Dynamic Cell Heights
- Using the Amazing Audio Engine With the Synthesis Toolkit in C++
- AFViewShaker is simple as a brick utility for UIView shake animation
- Replicating Twitter’s bird zoom startup animation (in Swift!)
- Model View Controller Presenter: A discovered pattern to write highly reusable iOS code
- How to make awesome UI components in iOS 8 using Swift and Xcode 6
- Odd Swift collections behaviour
- DSP Decrypted Part I – The Sky is the Limit
- Using NSProgress to allow canceling of async fetches
- Inside Swift (So far, the verdict is this; Swift is Objective-C without messages)
- Architecting iOS Apps with the VIPER architecture
- Functional programming in Swift
- Yay, someone is maintaining Sparkle updater framework
- WWDC 2014, 2013 & Tech-talks 2013 Videos and sessions PDFs downloader
- Swift language mailing list
- Code signing and 10.9
- Simple asynchronous networking class for Swift
- Swift Language Highlights: An Objective-C Developer’s Perspective
- Swift & AFNetworking 2.2.4
- Swift & AFNetworking 2.2.4 Part 2
- List of useful Quick Look plugins for developers
- Swift Initializers
- Swift cheatsheet
- Unit Testing in Swift
- Easily present the latest changes and features to your users on app updates
- Mac-native, XPath 1.0 debugger and visualizer
- Benefits of Using Standard vs. Custom Table View Cells
- FlappyBird game written in Swift
- A great guide/explanation to warnings in LLVM
- Source Control Notifications for Mac Developers
- How Do I Declare a Closure in Swift?
- Open-source personal tracking tool
- DTFoundation is a collection of utility methods and category extensions
- FXParser is a very simple text parsing engine
- Automatically Formatting Your Objective-C
- A collection of animation examples for iOS using the Facebook Pop library
- Prototypes Made with Quartz Composer+Origami
- Compile-time checking plain key path strings
- Beagle is an Objective C debugging tool that can sniff out class instances on the heap
- Address Sanitizer with LLVM ASAN ("-fsanitize=address") (not available in Xcode5.1.1)
- Enabled GuardMalloc from LLDB (and relaunch): settings set target.env-vars DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=/usr/lib/libgmalloc.dylib
- Open source PDF parser (Google)
- Snapshot view unit tests for iOS
- NSHipster: Benchmarking
- initng: Trying to tame the daemon world
- Handy Objective-C 'Extensions' (@implementation_combine, @implementation_safe, etc)
- Intercept and log objc messages
- Objective-C MIDI communication library for iOS and OS X
- Bridging AGGeometryKit with POP for amazing dynamics and animations
- Mesh Transforms explanations
- Cap’n Proto is an insanely fast data interchange format and capability-based RPC system.
- Prototyping with Facebook's Origami
- A customizable UIActionSheet replacement for the iPad
- iOS Console allows you to view iOS console logs directly from your Mac
- AutoLayout Myths, Table View Performance, and Side-by-Side iPad App Multi-tasking
- Learn to Love AutoLayout... Programmatically
- Protocol Buffers for Objective-C
- NSConf 6 videos on Video
- UIKit Dynamics runtime visualisation and introspection library for iOS
- Mac code signing made slightly easier with a script
- A portable, UI-free and iCloud-ready replacement for NSDocument
- OpenGL Command QuickRef Card
- Mesh transforms for UIView
- A block based alternative to UIActionSheet in the style of TweetBot
- This library contains helper classes to produce correctly formed NSLocale, NSDateFormatter and NSCalendar objects
- UIAppearance proxy for custom objects
- Mac: Event Tab Bench, closest thing the WinSpy (Event logging)
- A implementation of XPath 1.0 in Objective-C/Cocoa (port of Saxon 6.5)
- The Single Responsibility Principle
- YouTube video player for iPhone and iPad.
- A dead simple RESTful server that runs INSIDE your iOS/OSX app
- How to bend UIKit to your will
- iOS project which closely mimics the behavior of the Apple Photos app
- LibXL is a library that can read and write Excel files
- Animation Timing on iOS - Defining time with music notation
- An Elegant messages UI library for iOS
- Simple StoreKit receipt validation and processing
- A collection of all Flat UI Colors
- Delightful, simple library for aspect oriented programming
- Parallax Scrolling
- A fork of Ole Begemann's custom scroll view project, that adds decelerated scrolling
- The Psychology of Waiting, Loading Animations, and Facebook
- Subliminal is an open-source framework for writing iOS integration tests
- Combatting Kryptonite: Fighting AutoLayout
- KeyGrip: the Pasteboard Presentation Tool
- NSTableView Tips: Doing Animations with Core Data
- A Short Guide To OS X Animations
- How to Create a Framework for iOS
- Objective-C Protocol Buffers for OSX and the iPhone
- Animated, customizable replacement for UISegmentedControl
- What is Stemming?
- Snowball: A language for stemming algorithms
- Extensible iOS and OS X animation library.
- Object to/from JSON mapping framework
- A UITextView subclass which let's you move the cursor with a pan gesture
- NSTableView Tips: Not delaying the first responder
- The UINavigationController missing API
- An UIImageView category that loads images asynchronously
- A lightweight library of animated graphs for iOS
- Unit Testing Asynchronous Cocoa
- TDD is dead. Long live testing
- Fluent pagination - no more jumpy scrolling
- Storyboard best practices
- Implementing delete in an NSTableView
- LLDB Chisel command list
- UIView Animation Extensions
- Simple NSLayoutConstraint expression parser for more readable autolayout code
- Inside the Bracket, part 5 – Runtime API
- A UIProgressView subclass that displays the percentage complete in an easy to customize popup view
- The UICollectionViewLayout subclass adds swipe to delete functionality to a collectionview
- Highly customizable, sticky modal view
- OSCache is an open-source re-implementation of NSCache that behaves in a predictable, debuggable way
- A layout for UICollectionView that aligns the cells to the right
- NSHipster UIActivityViewController
- IntentKit is an easier way to handle third-party URL schemes in iOS apps
- UICollectionView Left Aligned Layout
- What is Software Design?
- UISegmentedControl alternative
- An experiment in Ultralight View Controllers
- Block based API for animations on each UIKeyboardNotifications
- OS X Cocoa Programming classes
- Dynamic view controller transitions
- Make life easier when working with animations on keybard appearance/disappearance
- Take control of permission requests on iOS
- Standard Music Font Layout and music notation font
- 4 HTTP security headers you should always be using
- Fix for dismissing modal page sheet forms iOS7 bug
- SQL and SQLite manager for iOS
- Draw an arrow as an arc of a circle given two points and the radius
- Password strength evaluator
- Xcode plugin that enables switch cases autocompletion
- An internal installer app for iOS.
- iOS User Interfaces: Storyboards vs. NIBs vs. Custom Code
- The brand-new MCSLLDBToolkit helps with debugging by showing JSON as nicely-formatted and colored
- Cocoa and the Builder Pattern
- RRConstraintsPlugin is an Xcode 5.1 plugin to improves constraints workflow in IB
- Give weak observation a try
- Handling Default Values With NSUserDefaults
- RestKit is an Objective-C framework for iOS
- RestKit Tutorial
- Accessing the cloud from Cocoa Touch
- Chaining animations
- New version of ParseKit. Objective-C parser generator.
- iOS Dynamic Linking
- Auto Layout Shorthand
- Practical Asynchronous Programming part 1 (Video)
- Practical Asynchronous Programming part 2 (Video)
- The Right Way to Ask Users for iOS Permissions
- Dash cheat sheet docset for LLDB commands
- Github like activity control
- Introducing ICACloud: iCloud Simplified
- Extend Apple's Core Data framework to add peer-to-peer synchronization
- Easily Overlay An Adjustable Grid On Your App For UI Design
- Generic data source classes for UICollectionView
- Dates and times made easy in Objective-C
- Build language parsers for iOS with PEGKit
- A simple Objective-C engine for OS X that can synthesise sounds from a given frequency for mono or stereo output.
- Debugger commands to open images, views, and more using Quick Look.
- iOS Static Libraries Are, Like, Really Bad, And Stuff
- Core Data Potpourri (Video)
- Discovering Art with iBeacons
- The Siren Call of KVO and (Cocoa) Bindings
- Adds basic HTML capabilities to UILabel
- Integrating Reveal without modifying your Xcode project
- Capturing My(self)`
- Creating table-based forms on iOS
- Background tasks completing without notification
- Laying out iOS UIs in Code
- Add shimmering effect to any view
- Trace Objective-C method calls by class or instance
- Exposing NSMutableArray
- Collection of LLDB commands for iOS debugging
- iOS Build Kit (Scripts for building)
- Don't bother a programmer
- Showing directions on a Map
- Practical runtime
- Method Swizzling
- UninstallPKG allows you to completely remove so called "packages"
- Subjective-C is a study of innovative iOS interfaces.
- The Behavior of Super
- Apple finally published an iOS security document
- 27 open source projects inside Monoco 2.0. Easily installed and managed thanks to Cocoapods.
- Bluetooth explorer
- Generating Constants for Storyboard Identifiers
- Damn Vulnerable IOS Application
- Objective-C runtime tutorial
- From Barcodes to ProductLayer
- Clean Animation Code
- Replacing delegates with ReactiveCocoa
- Krush iOS Architecture
- Everything You Need to Know about iOS and OS X Deprecated APIs
- Bolts is a collection of low-level libraries designed to make developing mobile apps easier
- Class that lets you define colors, sizes, insets, &c. in a plist rather than in #defines or constants.
- All the ways to byte swap
- ARCs Fast Autorelease
- Beautifully done UIAlertView and UIActionSheet replacements inspired by TweetBot
- YapDatabase is a "key/value store and MUCH MORE" built atop sqlite for iOS & Mac.
- YapDatabase vs CoreData
- Fixing UISearchDisplayController on iOS 7
- iOS Frameworks
- Object Serialization With NSCoding
- Concurrency app is now live, with source
- Tips for DTrace and Instruments
- Useful Xcode Build Phases
- Find unused Objective-C imports
- OSX Calendar Control
- An Introduction to OpenGL Programming
- iOS in-app bug reporting for developers and testers, with annotated screenshots and the console log.
- Harness the power of AutoLayout NSLayoutConstraints with a simplified, chainable and expressive syntax. Supports iOS and OSX Auto Layout
- Practical and visual animated GIF of how radians work
- Alfred workflow to working with the iPhone Simulator
- Developer Color Picker
- Extended File Attributes (Resources Forks are back with a vengeance
- Re-adding the ability to add custom documentation sets to Xcode
- The Story of Code Pilot
- An introductory post about Model View ViewModel
- TIL about CFBundleGetFunctionPointerForName()
- Create a FFT Analyzer Part IV: Debugging Our Audio Unit With AU Lab
- An overview of C++ smartpointers
- Dockable window controller for AppKit
- Colin Cornaby's Xcode CI Review
- A set of classes used to display progress information to users on iOS.
- This technote provides some information regarding Auto Layout support for UIScrollView.
- A Commentary on MVP
- [Code signing debugging](If spctl fails, you can use
codesign -dvvvv
to dump the signing and entitlements and figure out who's wrong)
- Reconciling iOS 6 and iOS 7 with Interface Builder
- Clang-Format Xcode plugin
- Debugging NSUserDefaults with dtrace
- Title bar and traffic light customization for NSWindow
- Objective-C RegEx Categories
- Identifying and Handling Transient or Special Data on the Clipboard
- Testing in XCode 5 - Jonathan Penn - Cocoa Slopes 2013
- This category expands the XCTest to add some macros to help testing asynchronous methods.
- A synchronization construct with the ability to wait until signalled that a condition has been met.
- Allows testing of asynchronous APIs using XCTest much like gh-unit.
- RNPinnedCertValidator simplifies validating "pinned" SSL certificates.
- Introspected tunnels to localhost
- UICollectionView-backed representation of a user's path through a menu hierarchy
- Reviving the Look-and-Feel of iOS 6 in Your App with One Weird Trick (UI Designers hate it!), was well as other tips and tricks.
- Meslo Font Is a Better Version of Menlo
- Automating OS X app test build distribution across multiple OS versions
- Deep dive into the Objective-C runtime looking at how the Foundation implementation of KVO works
- Introduction to Core Bluetooth: Building a Heart Rate Monitor
- XCPretty is a fast and flexible formatter for xcodebuild
- Mensa: Smart Tables
- Çingleton 3 conference on vimeo
- Building Better Transitions With iOS 7
- UIApplication​Delegate launch​Options
- Block-based animations made easy,comes with easing functions and a CASpringAnimation replacement
- Customizable clone of UIAlertView for iOS 7
- Warning safe NSInteger and NSUInteger formatters
- Safe git rebase on OSX
- Understanding the Fourier transform
- Fourier transform in one sentence
- A Cocoa view controller subclass that implements responder chain patching when used in conjunction with XSWindowController
- Finding leaks with heapshot analysis
- A Primer on BĂ©zier Curves
- Guide for 1Password Integration
- Code for 1Password Integration
- Bitwise Operators Explained
- URBMediaFocusViewController: animates thumbnail previews to full size with physics similar to Tweetbot 3
- A Python Script to Disassemble a Block in LLDB
- Perf Cheatsheet
- Simple URL previews
- Reveal without project changes
- SparkInspector w/ Plugin
- llvm Modules
- Keep process alive: man caffeinate
- Personalization software for free and open source
- QL For Provisioning Profiles
- VA Filter Design (PDF)
- 64 Bit and You
- TCP MultiPath
- IOSurface nuttiness (OSX Related, but fun)
- What is time machine looking at
- Register layout for debugging
- Using iOS6 SDK in Xcode5
- iOS 64 bit Dev guide
- Apple 64 bit transition guide
- 64Bit: %zd, %tu, %tx (signed, unsigned, hex) currently format NSInteger and NSUInteger with no warnings.
- UIScrollView contentInset
- Restricting inheritance
- Git Tricks
- More Blocks Syntax
- Clang-Format
- Main thread guard
- recursiveDescription add-ons
- best practices for a pragmatic restful api
- Implicit dependencies
- Simulating Location
- Image Scale Animation
- Xcode CLI Tools
- ObjC Dependency Graphing
- Frames and Bounds Refresher
- Cocoa Autolayout
- Unit Tests
- Unit Tests 2
- Leak Free Recursive Blocks
- Async FRP
- Coordinates WOW
- Latency & DTrace (beware, DTrace madness in here)
- Enums & Options