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WRF Version 4.4.1 (Bug-fix Release)

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@kkeene44 kkeene44 released this 25 Aug 23:19
· 204 commits to master since this release

The WRF model was updated to Version 4.4.1 on August 25, 2021.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Jatin Kala (Murdoch Univeristy, Australia), Louis Marelle (LATMOS, CNRS; Paris, France), J. Shpund (PNNL), Jordan Schnell (NOAA), Robert Gilliam (US EPA), Tim Juliano and Maria Frediani (NCAR/RAL) for their contributions to this release.

This is a bug fix release. Following are fixes associated with this release.


  • A modification addresses an issue that prevented WRF from compiling when choosing either the specified move (option 2) or vortex-following (option 3) nesting options, while using an Intel compiler. This issue began with WRFV4.4. Details
  • Remove duplicate reference to use module_dm in module_stoch.F (added in v4.4), which causes a compilation error when using an older version of the Intel compiler (12.1.3). Details
  • Add a check for status code -4001 from Cray CCE Fortran compiler related to reading CAMtr file. Details


  • Fix a minor bug for logical checking of time-varying aerosol option when climatological aerosol option selected. Details.
  • Recommend not to use the full spectral bin microphysics until it is updated. Use the fast version instead. Details
  • Update VEGPARM.TBL for NLCD40 landuse case to work with recent updates of the LSM initialization that reads the file. Details
  • Fix a bug associated with ozone input option o3input = 0. When o3input is set to 0, ozone is effectively not used in the RRTMG radiation option before this fix. Details.


  • Add gocart_dust dependency to mosaic_addemiss, which is necessary for WRF-CHEM to compile succeessfully. Details

If downloading the files from the section below, please choose either the v4.4.1.tar.gz file, or the file. DO NOT choose those named "Source Code." They do not include the mandatory NoahMP submodule - needed for compiling WRF.