WRF Version 4.4.1 (Bug-fix Release)
The WRF model was updated to Version 4.4.1 on August 25, 2021.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Jatin Kala (Murdoch Univeristy, Australia), Louis Marelle (LATMOS, CNRS; Paris, France), J. Shpund (PNNL), Jordan Schnell (NOAA), Robert Gilliam (US EPA), Tim Juliano and Maria Frediani (NCAR/RAL) for their contributions to this release.
This is a bug fix release. Following are fixes associated with this release.
- A modification addresses an issue that prevented WRF from compiling when choosing either the specified move (option 2) or vortex-following (option 3) nesting options, while using an Intel compiler. This issue began with WRFV4.4. Details
- Remove duplicate reference to use module_dm in module_stoch.F (added in v4.4), which causes a compilation error when using an older version of the Intel compiler (12.1.3). Details
- Add a check for status code -4001 from Cray CCE Fortran compiler related to reading CAMtr file. Details
- Fix a minor bug for logical checking of time-varying aerosol option when climatological aerosol option selected. Details.
- Recommend not to use the full spectral bin microphysics until it is updated. Use the fast version instead. Details
- Update VEGPARM.TBL for NLCD40 landuse case to work with recent updates of the LSM initialization that reads the file. Details
- Fix a bug associated with ozone input option o3input = 0. When o3input is set to 0, ozone is effectively not used in the RRTMG radiation option before this fix. Details.
- Add gocart_dust dependency to mosaic_addemiss, which is necessary for WRF-CHEM to compile succeessfully. Details