properties: string[],
objects: T[],
matchFunctions?: {
[property: string]: (a, b) => boolean
): Array<T[]>
Returns objects
separated into groups (sub-arrays). Each group will contain objects with
matching values of every property in properties
. You can customize how a match is determined
with the optional matchFunctions
: object. Any of its keys must be identical to a property in properties
The value of each key must be this type of function: (a, b) => boolean
. It's called to
determine a match when grouping by the property matching that particular key. If a matching key
isn't provided for a particular property, the default matchFunction
(a, b) => String(a) === String(b)
will be used for that property.
You can change the default matchFunction with the key '$default'
The properties
can each contain dot-notation, i.e, 'property.subproperty.subsubproperty'
Even if a property is an array index, here you need to use dot-notation and not
square braces, i.e. '1.0' // instead of [1][0]
The order you list the properties
determines the order the groups are returned in.
let persons = [
{name: {first: 'Danny', last: 'Jones'}, address:'800 N. First St.'},
{name: {first: 'Michael', last: 'Watts'}, address:'100 S. Palm Way'},
{name: {first: 'Robert', last: 'Walters'}, address:'200 W. Elm St.'},
{name: {first: 'Sara', last: 'Watts'}, address:'100 S. Palm Way'},
{name: {first: 'Carol', last: 'Jones'}, address:'800 N. First St.'},
{name: {first: 'Tara', last: 'Zucko'}, address:'100 S. Palm Way'},
getGroupedByProperties(['address', 'name.last'], persons);
{name: {first: 'Michael', last: 'Watts'}, address: '100 S. Palm Way'},
{name: {first: 'Sara', last: 'Watts'}, address: '100 S. Palm Way'}
[ {name: {first: 'Tara', last: 'Zucko'}, address:'100 S. Palm Way'} ],
[ {name: {first: 'Robert', last: 'Walters'}, address: '200 W. Elm St.'} ],
{name: {first: 'Danny', last: 'Jones'}, address: '800 N. First St.'},
{name: {first: 'Carol', last: 'Jones'}, address: '800 N. First St.'}
// Reverse the order of properties to see the result:
getGroupedByProperties(['name.last', 'address'], persons);
{name: {first: 'Danny', last: 'Jones'}, address: '800 N. First St.'},
{name: {first: 'Carol', last: 'Jones'}, address: '800 N. First St.'}
[ {name: {first: 'Robert', last: 'Walters'}, address: '200 W. Elm St.'} ],
{name: {first: 'Michael', last: 'Watts'}, address: '100 S. Palm Way'},
{name: {first: 'Sara', last: 'Watts'}, address: '100 S. Palm Way'}
[ {name: {first: 'Tara', last: 'Zucko'}, address:'100 S. Palm Way'} ]
// This example makes matching case-insensitive by default:
persons = [
{ name: { first: 'Danny', last: 'Jones' }, email: '[email protected]' },
{ name: { first: 'michael', last: 'watts' }, email: '[email protected]'},
{ name: { first: 'Michael', last: 'Watts' }, email: '[email protected]' },
{ name: { first: 'danny', last: 'jones' }, email: '[email protected]' }
['name.last', 'email'],
{'$default': (a, b) => a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase()}
{ name: { first: 'Danny', last: 'Jones' }, email: '[email protected]' },
{ name: { first: 'danny', last: 'jones' }, email: '[email protected]' }
{ name: { first: 'Michael', last: 'Watts' }, email: '[email protected]' },
{ name: { first: 'michael', last: 'watts' }, email: '[email protected]' }
// This makes string matching case-insensitive and separates those younger than 100
// from those 100 and older:
persons = [
{name: {first: 'Eddie'}, age: 102},
{name: {first: 'Eddie'}, age: 32},
{name: {first: 'danny'}, age: 102},
{name: {first: 'eric'}, age: 25},
{name: {first: 'Danny'}, age: 31},
{name: {first: 'David'}, age: 100},
// group by first letter of first name, and age:
['name.first.0', 'age'],
'name.first.0': (a, b) => a.toLowerCase() === b.toLowerCase(),
// Separate ages between those younger than 100, and everyone else:
'age': (a, b) => a < 100 ? b < 100 : b >= 100
[ {name: {first: 'Danny'}, age: 31} ],
[ {name: {first: 'David'}, age: 100}, {name: {first: 'danny'}, age: 102} ],
[ {name: {first: 'eric'}, age: 25}, {name: {first: 'Eddie'}, age: 32} ],
[ {name: {first: 'Eddie'}, age: 102} ]
npm i @writetome51/get-grouped-by-properties
import {getGroupedByProperties} from '@writetome51/get-grouped-by-properties';