Below is a quick index of my public repositories, the most interesting ones are private, unfortunately..
- Mergeconfigs. A tool to help big teams manage their configuration files across different namespaces.
- A 3D engine where a cow walk in a land, my computer graphics course project.
- A blender simulation of natural evolution, a copy of Primer's awesome youtube video.
- An AI that learns how to control a flappy bird.
- A front-end compiler for the CPL language.
- A two-pass assembler that convert assembly code to machine code.
- Pharmacam, a simplified driver for ThermAppMD cameras.
- Hawk is a tool to extract and format the data of a pixhawk drone controller.
- Heapmax algorithm visualization.
- Ultranet, a POC of a network that use ultrasounds to transport communication between devices instead of wifi signals, in case your device is on a private network.
- Didscraper, a very light program that fetch available proxies and use them in turns to avoid getting banned.