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Refactor feature processing logic in Smint
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The previous feature processing logic was a bit ad hoc with various
random conversion functions. Abstract them into one module and refactor
a few functions to make their uses more explicit.

Also try to encourage users, when processing features, to convert them
into `Feature.t` and use the provided functions in this module rather
than writing `List.mem` directly.

Signed-off-by: Vincent Liu <[email protected]>
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Vincent-lau committed Nov 4, 2024
1 parent f673d81 commit c07bac3
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Showing 15 changed files with 171 additions and 156 deletions.
15 changes: 7 additions & 8 deletions ocaml/tests/
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Expand Up @@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ type sm_data_sequence = {
(* Text feature list we get back as part of sr_get_driver_info. *)
raw: string list
; (* SMAPIv1 driver info. *)
smapiv1_features: Smint.feature list
smapiv1_features: Smint.Feature.t list
; (* SMAPIv2 driver info. *)
smapiv2_features: string list
; (* SM object created in the database. *)
Expand All @@ -40,7 +40,6 @@ let string_of_sm_object sm =

let test_sequences =
let open Smint in
(* Test NFS driver features as of Clearwater. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -164,14 +163,14 @@ module ParseSMAPIv1Features = Generic.MakeStateless (struct
module Io = struct
type input_t = string list

type output_t = Smint.feature list
type output_t = Smint.Feature.t list

let string_of_input_t = Test_printers.(list string)

let string_of_output_t = Test_printers.(list Smint.string_of_feature)
let string_of_output_t = Test_printers.(list Smint.Feature.string_of)

let transform = Smint.parse_capability_int64_features
let transform = Smint.Feature.parse_capability_int64

let tests =
Expand All @@ -183,16 +182,16 @@ end)

module CreateSMAPIv2Features = Generic.MakeStateless (struct
module Io = struct
type input_t = Smint.feature list
type input_t = Smint.Feature.t list

type output_t = string list

let string_of_input_t = Test_printers.(list Smint.string_of_feature)
let string_of_input_t = Test_printers.(list Smint.Feature.string_of)

let string_of_output_t = Test_printers.(list string)

let transform = Smint.string_of_feature
let transform = Smint.Feature.string_of

let tests =
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ let sr_detach ~dbg dconf driver sr =
let sr_probe ~dbg dconf driver sr_sm_config =
with_dbg ~dbg ~name:"sr_probe" @@ fun di ->
let dbg = Debug_info.to_string di in
if List.mem_assoc Sr_probe (features_of_driver driver) then
if List.mem_assoc Feature.Sr_probe (features_of_driver driver) then
Locking_helpers.Named_mutex.execute serialize_attach_detach (fun () ->
debug "sr_probe" driver
(sprintf "sm_config=[%s]"
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -551,8 +551,8 @@ let parse_sr_get_driver_info driver (xml : Xml.xml) =
let strings =
XMLRPC.From.array XMLRPC.From.string (safe_assoc "capabilities" info)
let features = Smint.parse_capability_int64_features strings in
let text_features = Smint.string_of_feature features in
let features = Smint.Feature.parse_capability_int64 strings in
let text_features = Smint.Feature.string_of features in
(* Parse the driver options *)
let configuration =
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213 changes: 113 additions & 100 deletions ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -21,97 +21,94 @@ open D

type vdi_info = {vdi_info_uuid: string option; vdi_info_location: string}

(** Very primitive first attempt at a set of backend features *)
type capability =
| Sr_create
| Sr_delete
| Sr_attach
| Sr_detach
| Sr_scan
| Sr_probe
| Sr_update
| Sr_supports_local_caching
| Sr_stats
| Sr_metadata
| Sr_trim
| Sr_multipath
| Vdi_create
| Vdi_delete
| Vdi_attach
| Vdi_detach
| Vdi_mirror
| Vdi_clone
| Vdi_snapshot
| Vdi_resize
| Vdi_activate
| Vdi_activate_readonly
| Vdi_deactivate
| Vdi_update
| Vdi_introduce
| Vdi_resize_online
| Vdi_generate_config
| Vdi_attach_offline
| Vdi_reset_on_boot
| Vdi_configure_cbt
| Large_vdi (** Supports >2TB VDIs *)
| Thin_provisioning
| Vdi_read_caching

type feature = capability * int64

let string_to_capability_table =
("SR_CREATE", Sr_create)
; ("SR_DELETE", Sr_delete)
; ("SR_ATTACH", Sr_attach)
; ("SR_DETACH", Sr_detach)
; ("SR_SCAN", Sr_scan)
; ("SR_PROBE", Sr_probe)
; ("SR_UPDATE", Sr_update)
; ("SR_SUPPORTS_LOCAL_CACHING", Sr_supports_local_caching)
; ("SR_METADATA", Sr_metadata)
; ("SR_TRIM", Sr_trim)
; ("SR_MULTIPATH", Sr_multipath)
; ("SR_STATS", Sr_stats)
; ("VDI_CREATE", Vdi_create)
; ("VDI_DELETE", Vdi_delete)
; ("VDI_ATTACH", Vdi_attach)
; ("VDI_DETACH", Vdi_detach)
; ("VDI_MIRROR", Vdi_mirror)
; ("VDI_RESIZE", Vdi_resize)
; ("VDI_RESIZE_ONLINE", Vdi_resize_online)
; ("VDI_CLONE", Vdi_clone)
; ("VDI_SNAPSHOT", Vdi_snapshot)
; ("VDI_ACTIVATE", Vdi_activate)
; ("VDI_ACTIVATE_READONLY", Vdi_activate_readonly)
; ("VDI_DEACTIVATE", Vdi_deactivate)
; ("VDI_UPDATE", Vdi_update)
; ("VDI_INTRODUCE", Vdi_introduce)
; ("VDI_GENERATE_CONFIG", Vdi_generate_config)
; ("VDI_ATTACH_OFFLINE", Vdi_attach_offline)
; ("VDI_RESET_ON_BOOT", Vdi_reset_on_boot)
; ("VDI_CONFIG_CBT", Vdi_configure_cbt)
; ("LARGE_VDI", Large_vdi)
; ("THIN_PROVISIONING", Thin_provisioning)
; ("VDI_READ_CACHING", Vdi_read_caching)

let capability_to_string_table = (fun (k, v) -> (v, k)) string_to_capability_table

let string_of_capability c = List.assoc c capability_to_string_table

let string_of_feature (c, v) =
Printf.sprintf "%s/%Ld" (string_of_capability c) v

let has_capability (c : capability) fl = List.mem_assoc c fl

let capability_of_feature : feature -> capability = fst

let known_features = fst string_to_capability_table

let parse_string_int64_features features =
let scan feature =
module Feature = struct
(** Very primitive first attempt at a set of backend features *)
type capability =
| Sr_create
| Sr_delete
| Sr_attach
| Sr_detach
| Sr_scan
| Sr_probe
| Sr_update
| Sr_supports_local_caching
| Sr_stats
| Sr_metadata
| Sr_trim
| Sr_multipath
| Vdi_create
| Vdi_delete
| Vdi_attach
| Vdi_detach
| Vdi_mirror
| Vdi_clone
| Vdi_snapshot
| Vdi_resize
| Vdi_activate
| Vdi_activate_readonly
| Vdi_deactivate
| Vdi_update
| Vdi_introduce
| Vdi_resize_online
| Vdi_generate_config
| Vdi_attach_offline
| Vdi_reset_on_boot
| Vdi_configure_cbt
| Large_vdi (** Supports >2TB VDIs *)
| Thin_provisioning
| Vdi_read_caching

type t = capability * int64

let string_to_capability_table =
("SR_CREATE", Sr_create)
; ("SR_DELETE", Sr_delete)
; ("SR_ATTACH", Sr_attach)
; ("SR_DETACH", Sr_detach)
; ("SR_SCAN", Sr_scan)
; ("SR_PROBE", Sr_probe)
; ("SR_UPDATE", Sr_update)
; ("SR_SUPPORTS_LOCAL_CACHING", Sr_supports_local_caching)
; ("SR_METADATA", Sr_metadata)
; ("SR_TRIM", Sr_trim)
; ("SR_MULTIPATH", Sr_multipath)
; ("SR_STATS", Sr_stats)
; ("VDI_CREATE", Vdi_create)
; ("VDI_DELETE", Vdi_delete)
; ("VDI_ATTACH", Vdi_attach)
; ("VDI_DETACH", Vdi_detach)
; ("VDI_MIRROR", Vdi_mirror)
; ("VDI_RESIZE", Vdi_resize)
; ("VDI_RESIZE_ONLINE", Vdi_resize_online)
; ("VDI_CLONE", Vdi_clone)
; ("VDI_SNAPSHOT", Vdi_snapshot)
; ("VDI_ACTIVATE", Vdi_activate)
; ("VDI_ACTIVATE_READONLY", Vdi_activate_readonly)
; ("VDI_DEACTIVATE", Vdi_deactivate)
; ("VDI_UPDATE", Vdi_update)
; ("VDI_INTRODUCE", Vdi_introduce)
; ("VDI_GENERATE_CONFIG", Vdi_generate_config)
; ("VDI_ATTACH_OFFLINE", Vdi_attach_offline)
; ("VDI_RESET_ON_BOOT", Vdi_reset_on_boot)
; ("VDI_CONFIG_CBT", Vdi_configure_cbt)
; ("LARGE_VDI", Large_vdi)
; ("THIN_PROVISIONING", Thin_provisioning)
; ("VDI_READ_CACHING", Vdi_read_caching)

let capability_to_string_table = (fun (k, v) -> (v, k)) string_to_capability_table

let known_features = fst string_to_capability_table

let string_of_capability c = List.assoc c capability_to_string_table

let string_of (c, v) = Printf.sprintf "%s/%Ld" (string_of_capability c) v

let capability_of : t -> capability = fst

let string_int64_of_string_opt feature =
match String.split_on_char '/' feature with
| [] ->
Expand All @@ -129,15 +126,31 @@ let parse_string_int64_features features =
| feature :: _ ->
error "SM.feature: unknown feature %s" feature ;
|> List.filter_map scan
|> List.sort_uniq (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y)

let parse_capability_int64_features strings =
(function c, v -> (List.assoc c string_to_capability_table, v))
(parse_string_int64_features strings)
let of_string_int64_opt (c, v) =
List.assoc_opt c string_to_capability_table |> (fun c -> (c, v))

(** [has_capability c fl] will test weather the required capability [c] is present
in the feature list [fl]. Callers should use this function to test if a feature
is available rather than directly using membership functions on a feature list
as this function might have special logic for some features. *)
let has_capability (c : capability) fl = List.mem_assoc c fl

(** [parse_string_int64 features] takes a [features] list in its plain string
forms such as "VDI_MIRROR/2" and parses them into the form of (VDI_MIRROR, 2).
If the number is malformated, default to (VDI_MIRROR, 1). It will also deduplicate
based on the capability ONLY, and randomly choose a verion, based on the order
it appears in the input list.
let parse_string_int64 features =
List.filter_map string_int64_of_string_opt features
|> List.sort_uniq (fun (x, _) (y, _) -> compare x y)

(** [parse_capability_int64 features] is similar to [parse_string_int64_features features]
but parses the input list into a [t list] *)
let parse_capability_int64 features =
parse_string_int64 features |> List.filter_map of_string_int64_opt

type sr_driver_info = {
sr_driver_filename: string
Expand All @@ -147,7 +160,7 @@ type sr_driver_info = {
; sr_driver_copyright: string
; sr_driver_version: string
; sr_driver_required_api_version: string
; sr_driver_features: feature list
; sr_driver_features: Feature.t list
; sr_driver_text_features: string list
; sr_driver_configuration: (string * string) list
; sr_driver_required_cluster_stack: string list
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10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions ocaml/xapi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type plugin = {
processor: processor
; backend_domain: string
; query_result: query_result
; features: Smint.feature list
; features: Smint.Feature.t list

let plugins : (sr, plugin) Hashtbl.t = Hashtbl.create 10
Expand All @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ let debug_printer rpc call =
let register sr rpc d info =
with_lock m (fun () ->
let features =
Smint.parse_capability_int64_features info.Storage_interface.features
Smint.Feature.parse_capability_int64 info.Storage_interface.features
Hashtbl.replace plugins sr
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ let sr_has_capability sr capability =
with_lock m (fun () ->
match Hashtbl.find_opt plugins sr with
| Some x ->
Smint.has_capability capability x.features
Smint.Feature.has_capability capability x.features
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -648,7 +648,9 @@ module Mux = struct
| None ->
failwith "DP not found"
if (not read_write) && sr_has_capability sr Smint.Vdi_activate_readonly
(not read_write)
&& sr_has_capability sr Smint.Feature.Vdi_activate_readonly
then (
info "The VDI was attached read-only: calling activate_readonly" ;
C.VDI.activate_readonly (Debug_info.to_string di) dp sr vdi vm
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8 changes: 6 additions & 2 deletions ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -607,7 +607,9 @@ module SMAPIv1 : Server_impl = struct
) ;
(* If the backend doesn't advertise the capability then do nothing *)
if List.mem_assoc Smint.Vdi_activate (Sm.features_of_driver _type)
List.mem_assoc Smint.Feature.Vdi_activate
(Sm.features_of_driver _type)
Sm.vdi_activate ~dbg device_config _type sr self read_write
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -638,7 +640,9 @@ module SMAPIv1 : Server_impl = struct
~value:Uuidx.(to_string (make ()))
) ;
(* If the backend doesn't advertise the capability then do nothing *)
if List.mem_assoc Smint.Vdi_deactivate (Sm.features_of_driver _type)
List.mem_assoc Smint.Feature.Vdi_deactivate
(Sm.features_of_driver _type)
Sm.vdi_deactivate ~dbg device_config _type sr self
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ let create ~__context ~_type ~device_config ~whitelist =
(* Check if licence allows disaster recovery. *)
Pool_features.assert_enabled ~__context ~f:Features.DR ;
(* Check that the SR type supports metadata. *)
if not (List.mem_assoc Smint.Sr_metadata (Sm.features_of_driver _type)) then
if not (List.mem_assoc Smint.Feature.Sr_metadata (Sm.features_of_driver _type))
( Api_errors.operation_not_allowed
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -2247,7 +2247,7 @@ let enable_local_storage_caching ~__context ~host ~sr =
let shared = Db.SR.get_shared ~__context ~self:sr in
let has_required_capability =
let caps = Sm.features_of_driver ty in
List.mem_assoc Smint.Sr_supports_local_caching caps
List.mem_assoc Smint.Feature.Sr_supports_local_caching caps
debug "shared: %b. List.length pbds: %d. has_required_capability: %b" shared
(List.length pbds) has_required_capability ;
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion ocaml/xapi/
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Expand Up @@ -3104,7 +3104,7 @@ let enable_local_storage_caching ~__context ~self:_ =
(fun (_, _, srrec) ->
(not srrec.API.sR_shared)
&& List.length srrec.API.sR_PBDs = 1
&& List.mem_assoc Smint.Sr_supports_local_caching
&& List.mem_assoc Smint.Feature.Sr_supports_local_caching
(Sm.features_of_driver srrec.API.sR_type)
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