A grails plugin to perform ssh and scp. Based on http://www.ganymed.ethz.ch/ssh2/
Instantiate the sshClient:
sshClient client = new SshClient( host: "", user: "root", port: 22, password: "changeme" )
If password is provided password will be used to auth, if not and sshkey provided, sshkey will be used:
sshClient client = new SshClient( host: "", user: "root", port: 22, sshkey: "~/.ssh/id_rsa", sshkeypass:"" )
Also the client can be configured with
- keepAlive (boolean) : will keep the connection alive betweeen calls to either execute() or put/get
- retries ( int ) : amount of times the client will try to connect
- retryInterval ( int ): miliseconds between retries
Once the client is configured, we can call execute, get or put
SshResponse resp = client.execute("echo Hola")
println "STDOUT: ${resp.out}"
println "STDERROR: ${resp.error}
println "EXIT STATUS ${resp.exit}"
client.getFile("~/remotefile", "~/localFile")
client.putFile("~/localFile", "~/remotefile")
client.putFile( "hello world" as byte[], "myfilename", "/tmp/" )