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Stream selection types properties

Stefano Gottardo edited this page Aug 26, 2022 · 15 revisions

This feature is available on Kodi 20 and above.

This page list the properties available of each stream selection type. For more information on stream selector types, see page Setting: Stream selection type.

Stream selection type setting

The inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type setting, can be used to take control of this setting for each individual add-on, instead of setting it globally from the setting window of InputStream Adaptive add-on.

Caution: This will make the "stream selection type" setting in the InputStream Adaptive setting window ineffective, so consider to allowing the user choice to use or not this override setting in your add-on settings.

The properties of each stream selection type (e.g. chooser_bandwidth_max), can also be set without force a specific stream selection type, so by using inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type. In this case the properties defined by your add-on, will override user settings only when supported by the stream selection type chosen by the user. See below to know the supported properties for each type.

Stream selection type values


listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type', 'adaptive')

Fixed resolution

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type', 'fixed-res')

Ask quality

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type', 'ask-quality')
  • No property supported.

Manual OSD

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.stream_selection_type', 'manual-osd')
  • No property supported.

Properties definitions


Allows to set the maximum stream bandwidth. The value is defined in bit/s.

This property can override the user setting Maximum bandwidth, but only if the value is less than the user setting.

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.chooser_bandwidth_max', '10000000')


Allows to set the maximum stream resolution for non-protected videos.

This property can override the user setting Maximum resolution, but only if the value is less than the user setting.

Values: 480p, 640p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 1440p, 4K

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.chooser_resolution_max', '720p')


Allows to set the maximum stream resolution for DRM-protected videos.

This property can override the user setting Maximum resolution for DRM videos, but only if the value is less than the user setting.

Values: 480p, 640p, 720p, 1080p, 2K, 1440p, 4K

listitem.setProperty('inputstream.adaptive.chooser_resolution_secure_max', '720p')
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