Buy Me a Beer is a satirical decentralized application (dApp) that parodies the popular crowdfunding platform "Buy Me a Coffee." Developed with Next.js, Solidity, and Thirdweb technologies, this dApp offers users the ability to support content creators or friends by virtually buying beers instead of coffees.
The frontend is built on Next.js, providing a seamless and interactive user experience, while the integration of Thirdweb technologies facilitates communication between the frontend and the blockchain. The Solidity smart contract, deployed on the blockchain, ensures transparency and security for all transactions. Users can connect their wallets, select the number of beers to purchase, and submit the transaction, triggering the smart contract. Overall, Buy Me a Beer offers a humorous twist on crowdfunding, providing a decentralized platform for virtual beer exchanges and community support.
You can view the live demo on the given website.