Class that implements wrapper for official API and also create some extra API methods using http auth (imitates client web auth).
All the methods could be easily run from the class worksectionHandler
See the example at worksection_test.php.
Custom HTTP methods (details in classs worksectionHandler)
- bool isAuthed() — check if http auth was successful
- void doHttpAuth() — perform attemp to make http auth using config email and password
- array getLastEvents() — return list of the last events for the current user
- array getTaskCommentsHtml($project_id, $task_id) — return raw html task comments page
- array getTaskLogs($project_id, $task_id) — return array with parsed logs from task comments page with info about tags added and their date
Official API methods (details in class worksectionCommonApi)
- array getLastEvents() — return list of the last events for the current user
- bool subscribeToTask($task_page, $email_user) — subscribe user with $email_user to task
- array getTaskComments($project_id, $task_id) — return task comments list array
- array getProjects() — get list of the all visible projects
- array getAllTasks() — get list of the all visible tasks
- array getProjectTasks(project_id, $task_id, $params = []) — return the all project' tasks. Params optional: filter=active, text=1
- string generateApiUrl($page, $action, $extra_url_params = []) — wrapper fucntion could be used to easily generate url for any official api method
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