libp2p is a p2p network SDK implemented in java language. The functional modules that have been implemented so far include node discovery, connection management, and so on. Subsequent versions will implement more functions.
Building libp2p requires git
and Oracle JDK 1.8
to be installed, other JDK versions are not supported yet. Make sure you operate on Linux
and MacOS
operating systems.
Clone the repo and switch to the main
$ git clone
$ cd libp2p
$ git checkout -t origin/main
Then, run the following command to build libp2p, the libp2p.jar
file can be found in libp2p/build/libs/
after being built successfully.
$ ./gradlew clean build -x test
libp2p can run independently or be imported into other projects.
Running libp2p requires Oracle JDK 1.8 to be installed, other JDK versions are not supported yet. Make sure you operate on Linux and MacOS operating systems. then run the following command to start the node:
$ nohup java -jar libp2p.jar [options] >> start.log 2>&1 &
See the manual for details on options
Add repo setting:
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Then add the required packages as dependencies. Please add dependencies locally.
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.tronprotocol:libp2p:release-v0.1.0'
Or if you are using the jar files as your dependencies:
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir:'your path', include: '*.jar')
For some examples please check our example package.