This is a modified version of the original Fast Bag of Words by @rmsalinas.
FBoW (Fast Bag of Words) is an extremely optimized version of the DBoW2/DBoW3 libraries.
The library is highly optimized to speed up the Bag of Words creation using AVX,SSE and MMX instructions.
In loading a vocabulary, FBoW is about 80x faster than DBoW2.
In transforming an image into Bag of Words using on machines with AVX instructions, it is about 6.4x faster.
$ git clone
$ cd FBoW && mkdir build && cd build
$ make
This software is distributed under MIT License.
See the LICENSE.
②cd FBow/build/utils
③./fbow_dump_features bad256 save_file /picture_dir
※./fbow_dump_features 使用特徴量 保存ファイル名 使用する画像のディレクトリ
④./fbow_create_vocabulary save_file vocablary.fbow
※./fbow_create_vocabulary ③で作成したファイル 生成する辞書ファイル名