A theme for CodeMirror based on the Light Table editor default theme. Designed for brackets but should work with any CodeMirror instance.
Well balanced contrast ensures the code is very readable. I have bad eyesight, I know what I'm talking about.
Oh, it's also pretty.
How often are you clicking on the scrollbars? I guess not often.
With this theme they are reduced to the minimum; they'll effectively show you where you are in your code compared to the file size, but otherwise they won't call for attention.
Content should never be glued to the bottom of your screen, that's just impractical. This theme provides some padding for better comfort.
I wrote a quick note about it on my blog. It's mostly written for hml, css and js. Other language support should work but might not be throughout.
- At least in Brackets, the custom scrollbars only kick in after the code frame has changed once (opening another file or anything like that). I don't know how to fix it right now but I've never noticed it, and I use this theme every day.