Releases: yalesites-org/yalesites-project
Releases · yalesites-org/yalesites-project
1.12.0 (2024-12-13)
Bug Fixes
- IYY-266: Change public example back to original example (7113ee3)
- migrate_plug_data_parser: update to new function signature (10fdfe5)
- only run release_pr.yml workflow against release branch pattern (b382a15)
- remove duplicative dependencies from require-dev stanza (d482a79)
- run workflow after creating a release to clean up multidevs (7275a2c)
- update focal_point to 2.1.2 so patch #2830678 still applies (c994faf)
- ai_engine: bump to 1.2.7 (19ba219)
- document: add field_metatags (58b2c83)
- IYY-263: Add new controller for dynamic search page (1733237)
- IYY-263: Add new search index for CAS content, remove path from search view, replace with custom dynamic route and controller, update header settings form with new option to show CAS titles in search (0030acb)
- IYY-266: Change Power BI embed to allow two kinds of URLs - view and reportEmbed (6b83814)
- IYY-266: Relax Power BI embed to allow for both /view and /reportEmbed URLs (09a9563)
- IYY-266: Update instructions and examples for Power BI to get both public and private embeds (8118abb)
- IYY-267: Add Last Updated By to content list (d6c5633)
- IYY-267: Add last updated by to manage pages and manage posts (23ac2ff)
- IYY-267: Update event and profile lists to match others (754fd81)
- update atomic to 1.39.2 (2bdf47b)
- update drupal core to 10.3.10 (55e3d6f)
1.10.0 (2024-11-19)
Bug Fixes
- layout_builder_browser: Update block link changed time (b138a14)
- v1.10.0: bump quick node clone to 1.19.0 (c9c3759)
- v1.10.0: multiple fixes (9120a73)
- ys_views_basic: re-add conditional event display (a2962b3)
- ys_views_basic: remove 'Filter' from filter list (040a327)
- ys_views_basic: use "Show Affiliations" for profile selection (dee6428)
- YSP-446: add sort to patch (3653219)
- YSP-446: bump focal_point to work with patch (0da9e5c)
- YSP-446: downgrade better_exposed_filters to 6.0.5 (fb645ae)
- YSP-446: fix patch sorting (d50034e)
- YSP-446: fix runtime exception error from search_api (1db679d)
- YSP-446: guard against invalid endpoint URLs (f267417)
- YSP-446: guard against no tabs (6d85aa4)
- YSP-446: hide "Blocks" from Content menu (afe6148)
- YSP-446: hide single content sync (db0f5c5)
- YSP-446: re-roll combined patch (58955cd)
- YSP-446: rename "Status" to "Published" on Content (bbed5b0)
- YSP-446: reroll combo patch (2680ab3)
- YSP-446: update patch for for 10.3.x (a68b956)
- YSP-446: update typogrify version and patch (a86a14d)
- YSP-446: use 10.3 reusable patch (3a083bc)
- YSP-559: add eslint and other formatting repository (4feffd0)
- YSP-559: add maxlength dependency on ys_alert (23f0628)
- YSP-559: add role_delegation as dependency (4a55330)
- YSP-559: revert honeypot to 2.1.4 (f5bc3e5)
- YSP-559: update packages (775885a)
- YSP-559: update to node 20 (a303540)
- ai_engine: bump ai_engine to 1.2.6 (9cd3d0b)
- update atomic to 1.39.0 (87e50a7)
- update atomic to 1.39.1 (7add2c8)
- update drupal core to 10.3.8 (ccfc071)
- update semantic-release to ^24 (61826f3)
- YSP-446: bump ai_engine to 1.2.5 (f24d26d)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.2.6, remove core patch (b91f961)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.2.6, remove core patch (f6a4eda)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.3.1 and re-export config (8f651ca)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.3.1 and re-export config (3cf481f)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.3.4 (c280738)
- YSP-446: update core to 10.3.6 (d7c62c4)
- YSP-446: update PHP to 8.3, MariaDB to 10.6 (792073f)
- YSP-446: update/remove dependencies and patches for Drupal 10.3 (4529e02)
- YSP-559: allow spi plugin (2686c59)
1.9.0 (2024-10-09)
Bug Fixes
- YSP-593: Do dirty update (revert later) (2132a67)
- YSP-593: do not overwrite old data each time (05623e0)
- YSP-593: don't validate deleted element (1c4b6e5)
- YSP-593: enable servicenow (f7e3916)
- YSP-593: guard against invalid JSON (bd825c6)
- YSP-593: move servicenow to admin (273b19e)
- YSP-593: remove endpoint (5022bee)
- YSP-593: remove limit from servicenow endpoint (0d364fc)
- YSP-593: remove permission for platform admins (b457df6)
- YSP-593: save node so that update pipelines can run (3ed2f62)
- YSP-593: use credentials as sync condition (5fb694c)
- YSP-690: fix parameter deprecation (e7314bd)
- YSP-697: apply new atomic version (5a2cc5a)
- ai_engine: config ignore ai_engine again (35e1fa6)
- update atomic to 1.37.0 (391cfcf)
- update atomic to 1.37.1 (1f9a25f)
- update atomic to 1.38.0 (636997b)
- YSP-346: add pronouns field to profiles (5217ec0)
- YSP-346: pronouns included in meta block data (f8b8047)
- YSP-593: add a working block creation (7e45ec4)
- YSP-593: add ys_servicenow to config ignore (958e94f)
- YSP-593: config ignore servicenow settings (a5853e5)
- YSP-593: create abstraction for reusable key auth (be8b29d)
- YSP-593: create keys-based basic auth plugin (0075b4d)
- YSP-593: enable cron job (f522f7c)
- YSP-593: give platform admins access to servicenow (4c01afb)
- YSP-593: make imported items published (ed8b1ed)
- YSP-593: make key selectable (9eda713)
- YSP-593: move servicenow to web services configuration links (3a1a597)
- YSP-593: only sync block data (3b89065)
- YSP-593: rely on key module (be6e315)
- YSP-593: set sync source so we recreate layout builder (661e6f3)
- YSP-593: successfully use keys to provide auth (7b266bb)
- YSP-593: use configurable endpoint for migration call (463f78e)
- YSP-593: use workflow_state to drive publish status (5a2c438)
- YSP-680: add component override for image-banner (f04bb27)
- YSP-680: add dials for media size (b31853d)
- YSP-680: change large/small to tall/short (310b35d)
- YSP-680: image banner media defaults to images (5ec97ec)
- YSP-680: use default image for banner (9c1bf64)
- YSP-693: increase max chars on spotlights to 650 (acf0912)
- YSP-693: set landscape max characters to 600 (71cbbf8)
- YSP-593: revert dumb fixes for pipeline (3eb29c2)
1.8.0 (2024-09-18)
Bug Fixes
- comma: Fix missed comma (4247864)
- google_analtics: patch to guard against null account (f63d722)
- remove-exposed-filter-patch: Remove exposed filter patch (80f317a)
- remove-exposed-filter-patch: Remove filter patch for now (6021b35)
- switch to local patch for typogrify issue #3373921 (47d5adc)
- views-text: Change any/all text to not include category (1afa411)
- views-text: Change any/all text to not include category (96d8821)
- YOR-34: add options 'four' and 'five' to the Grand Hero Banner (0f18a35)
- YSP-647: allow bulk unpublish again (c05a3fd)
- YSP-647: bypass forbidden if only due to content mod being enabled (f47a7d4)
- YSP-652: pass string operator, not integer (8dc28f7)
- YSP-671: patch media with known fix (c8e9814)
- update atomic to 1.36.0 (32063df)
- YSP-622: add alignment dial for video block (0cba1dd)
- YSP-641: add image banner to banner section (cce60a1)
- YSP-641: add image-banner image to block picker (dd613f8)
- YSP-641: allow background videos (4da11b4)
- YSP-641: change relative block picker location of image-banner (4efc805)
- YSP-641: image banner wireup (bb440d7)
- YSP-647: add publish/unpublish content mod actions (8c0b822)
- YSP-647: allow content moderated publish (36fd3c7)
- YSP-670: add heading level to spotlights (55cd6c1)
1.5.0 (2024-08-14)
Bug Fixes
- YSP-335: add in-line message svg preview icon (bef9ec8)
- YSP-335: add in-line message svg preview icon (47cf1c9)
- YSP-335: add optional link (2db8884)
- YSP-335: wip add new component inline-message (f805d17)
- YSP-335: wip wire theme options (4c8a045)
- YSP-335: wip wire theme options (84bf66a)
- YSP-551: add $saved variable (103e3e3)
- YSP-551: fix reusable block errors (299fc43)
- YSP-570: change limit behavior on display change (6fa32f1)
- YSP-576: add permissions for new blocks (d4c917f)
- YSP-579: use reset over 0th date element (130e24d)
- YSP-588: make event view mimic standard one (73a9a74)
- YSP-602: add Hybrid if it's not there (352210e)
- YSP-602: declare where Term is (fb165cd)
- YSP-602: remove old Hybrid on localist sync (2207dab)
- YSP-623: allow event_cta to be overwritable (6dbd4b1)
- YSP-623: Localist: URL field not getting stored properly, and is not getting updated upon syncing (f0d7f4c)
- YSP-623: prepend missing protocols on _url fields (b4ceb2b)
- YSP-626: let new reusable blocks show in browser (163ce87)
- YSP-626: New blocks can be selected when reusable (d044550)
- YSP-627: bump smart_date to 4.1.4 (a59f2cb)
- YSP-627: Event dates alignment is off (1b77a86)