Utility for spamming http logs with ASCII art of x-mass trees.
Original idea belongs to someone associated with 33c3. I don't know who, but it was very pleasant to receive "request of http congrats" with 2018(?) year in my ./netcat <3
I improved this idea a bit while brainstorming with DC8044 KYIV community.
Firstly, you should to scan 80 port with something like masscan
or zmap
This is not scanner. I advise finding trial VPS or free
RuVDS( with voice call confirmation). I don't know how hosters react for
these "jokes".
Disclaimer: There are no things like unit tests, so debug yourself. And, do not play with unicode and other non-url shit.
Install dependencies:
pipenv install
python3 send.py <ips-file> <ascii-art> <workers>
For ex.:
python3 send.py ips.txt art.txt 1000
If there are more workers than 1000, linux system may be tuned with ulimit
because connection spends opened files limit (file descriptor).
Windows systems should be reinstalled to linux, lol.
This script utilizes thing named "keep-alive connections". In one tcp connection, can be sent dozens of http requests asynchronously. Nginx and apache httpd web servers were not seen in chewing logs order, but I don't know for others.