- About this app
- App Screens
- Getting Started
- Setting up the Project
- Goal
- What I learnt
- Contributing
- License
A Climate app that demonstrates the use of API(OpenWeatherMap) , Networking using Dart.
UI inspired by the beautiful designs made by Olia Gozha.
This project is a starting point for a Flutter application.
A few resources to get you started if this is your first Flutter project:
For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.
- Go to the project repo and fork it by clicking "Fork"
- If you are working on Windows, download Git Bash for Windows to get a full Unix bash with Git functionality
- Clone the repo to your desktop
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_USERNAME/Clima-Flutter.git
- Open the project
- The objective of this app is to learn about asynchronous programming in Dart.
- Carry out time consuming tasks such as getting device location and networking to get data from the internet.
- How to use Dart to perform asynchronous tasks.
- Understand async and await.
- About Futures and how to work with them.
- How to network with the Dart http package.
- What APIs are and how to use them to get data from the internet.
- What JSONs are and how to parse them using the Dart convert package.
- How to pass data forwards and backwards between screens using the Navigator.
- How to handle exceptions in Dart using try/catch/throw.
- About the lifecycle of Stateful Widgets and how to override them.
- How to use the Geolocator package to get live location data for both iOS and Android.
- How to use the TextField Widget to take user input.
If you wish to contribute a change to any of the existing features in this repo, please review our contribution guide
This project has been licensed under MIT License.See License
for more information.