Set of functions to validate, manage and display ISRC as defined by http://isrc.ifpi.org/en/isrc-standard/code-syntax
- Author Yann Bayle
- E-mail [email protected]
- License MIT
- Created 25/05/2016
- Updated 14/10/2016
- Version 1.0.0
Nothing to install
- cartopy
- matplotlib
- numpy
####isrc.py Main and unique python file containing all functions
####isrc.txt An example file containing a real list of both valid and invalid ISRCs.
###Functions available
- Validates an ISRC
- Validates a list of ISRCs and indicates the corrupted ones
- Plot an histogram of year repartition of a list of ISRCs
- Plot country repartition of ISRC on a color globe
- python isrc.py
- python isrc.py -i /path/isrc.txt -o /path/invalid_ISRCs.txt
- python isrc.py -d /path/dir/
Code validated by https://www.pylint.org/