Apply MVP to Flutter project.
To easy understand this project, you can visit my other project first which talk about ListView on Flutter at here:
My project is using API from . The UI will show list of use as below. And I also apply MVP to it.
- Android
- iOS
- Overview
Where will contain common UI, font, color ,custom exception.
This class will extend Exception
, to handle error when get data from API.
class FetchDataException implements Exception{
String _message;
String toString() {
return "Exception: $_message";
To custom AppBar component, we will use a lot app bar for project. So if we create a custom and re-use it, we will save a lot line of code.
class AppAppBar extends AppBar {
String _title;
Color get backgroundColor => Colors.white;
bool get centerTitle => true;
double get elevation => 2.0;
Widget get title => new Text(
style: new TextStyle(fontSize: 20.0, color:, fontFamily: "Arquitecta"),
And when you want to use it, just do as below:
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return new Scaffold(
appBar: new AppAppBar("Users"),
Don't need modify appbar's attributes to custom
This class will help us on convert hex color to Color object on Flutter.
class AppColor{
static Color whiteColor = const Color(0x000000);
static Color blackColor = const Color(0xFFFFFF);
App's functionality , the name will mapping with functionality. Each feature forder will have:
- Repository : will working with API or database
- Presenter : will handle app logic, get data from repository and update view.
- View : it is responsible for presenting data in a way decided by the presenter.
First, we will have a abstract class
which will define method for Repository.
abstract class UserListRepository {
Future<List<User>> fetchUser();
Then, we will implement above repository by create a class, like that:
class UserListRepositoryIml implements UserListRepository {
final String _api = '';
Future<List<User>> fetchUser() {
return http
.then((http.Response response) {
final String jsonBody = response.body;
final int statusCode = response.statusCode;
if(statusCode != 200 || jsonBody == null){
throw new FetchDataException("StatusCode:$statusCode, Error:${response.reasonPhrase}");
final JsonDecoder _decoder = new JsonDecoder();
final useListContainer = _decoder.convert(jsonBody);
final List userList = useListContainer['results'];
return => new User.fromJson(contactRaw) )
I'm using http to connect and get data from API.
You can learn more at flutter document:
You can use JsonDecoder
to parse Object
from Json
Define a abstract class
, view will implement this.
abstract class UserListViewContract {
void onLoadUserComplete(List<User> users);
void onLoadUserError();
Create repository class
class UserListPresenter {
UserListViewContract _view;
UserListRepository _repository;
UserListPresenter(this._view) {
_repository = new Injector().getUserListRepository();
void loadUser() {
assert(_view != null && _repository != null);
.then((contacts) => _view.onLoadUserComplete(contacts))
.catchError((onError) => _view.onLoadUserError());
You can see, my repository will have UserListViewContract _view;
and UserListRepository _repository;
I will init _repository
on contructor by Injector
( see c. id)
UserListPresenter(this._view) {
_repository = new Injector().getUserListRepository();
And use _repository
to get data and update view, like that:
void loadUsers() {
assert(_view != null && _repository != null);
.then((contacts) => _view.onLoadUserComplete(contacts))
.catchError((onError) => _view.onLoadUserError());
View class user_list_screen.dart
( like Activity/Fragment on Android or UIViewController on iOS).
Will implement view on above step like that
class UserListState extends State<UserListScreen>
implements UserListViewContract{
//Your code
Define and init presenter
UserListPresenter _userListPresenter;
void initState() {
_userListPresenter = new UserListPresenter(this);
And use this presenter to get API:
Finally, handle data:
void onLoadUserComplete(List<User> users) {
void onLoadUserError() {
Dependency injection (just very simple level)
class will provide the repository to presenter.
class Injector {
static final Injector _singleton = new Injector._internal();
factory Injector() {
return _singleton;
UserListRepository getUserListRepository() => new UserListRepositoryIml();
Define data class
class User {
Name name;
Picture picture;
String email;
String phone;
User({, this.picture,,});
User.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: name = new Name.fromJson(json['name']),
picture = new Picture.fromJson(json['picture']),
email = json['email'],
phone = json['phone'];
class Name {
String last;
String first;
Name({this.last, this.first});
Name.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json)
: last = json['last'],
first = json['first'];
class Picture {
String medium;
Picture.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) : medium = json['medium'];
Root of project.