As a software craftsman I choose programming tools, languages and libraries that adapt to what I need to design or implement. In continuous learning, looking for the best tools that adapt to what I want to build.
I feel identified with the original definition of the word hacker: person who enjoys the exploration of the details of the programmable systems and how to take advantage of their possibilities, unlike those who prefer to learn only the essential.
I have tested all Javascript flavours: Vanilla JS, ActionScript, CoffeeScript and Typescript now.
I also make mobile applications with React Native and expo, also desktop applications with NW.js o Electron.
Talk later? [email protected]
frontend: ["Typescript", "NextJS 14/15", "React 18/19", "NextUI", "Zustand", "TailwindCSS", "zod", "framermotion"],
backend: ["Redis", "SQLite", "PostgreSQL", "Vercel", "Supabase"],
editor: "Visual Studio Code",
tools: ["Notion", "Sketch", "Figma", "]
browser: ["Arc", "Brave", "Safari"],
os: ["MacOS", "Linux"]
who: "Nacho Rapallo",
where: "Madrid, Spain",
contact: "[email protected]",
mobile: "(+34) 649 326 163"
when: "2013 / now",
work: "founder / CTO",
skills: "NextJS, React, React-Native, NodeJS, Firebase, Ruby on Rails"
clients: "La Vanguardia, Pronto, Mundo Deportivo, Huffpost, Funke,Bauer Media Group, La Razón, El Periódico, Prensa Ibérica, TVguia, TVmovie, Prisa, Zapi, Agile..."
when: "2022 / 2024",
work: "Software Technical Lead",
skills: "NextJS 13/14, React, React-Native / Expo, Redis"
when: "2007 / 2012",
work: "creative director",
skills: "Ruby on Rails, Javascript, ActionScript"
clients: "Vueling, Evax, Ikea, BMW, Nokia, Vodafone, VollDamm, Timeout, CocaCola, Pepsi, Ayuntamiento Barcelona..."
when: "2006",
work: "senior developer",
skills: "PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript, ActionScript (Flash)",
clients: "Viajes Barceló"
when: "2004 / 2006",
work: "senior developer",
skills: "PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript, ActionScript (Flash)",
clients: "Hoteles Silken, Javier Mariscal, Fernando Trueba Producciones, Copa America",
when: "1999 / 2003",
work: "technical & creative director",
skills: "PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript, ActionScript (Flash)",
clients: "Zara, San Miguel, Mahou, Audi, Seat, Remo, Aldeasa",
when: "1998 / 1999",
work: "developer",
skills: "PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript",
clients: "Opel, Telemadrid, CocaCola, Telecinco",
when: "1997 / 1998",
work: "web programmer",
skills: "ASP, PHP, HTML & CSS, Javascript, Macromedia Director",
clients: "Nestlé, Camel, Opel, CocaCola",
when: "1995 - 1996",
work: "programmer, games & interactive CDroms",
skills: "Visual Basic / Delphi",
present: "Mobile Application Developer, Frontend, API design, Scrapping, Design, Creativity",
past: "Code animation, Game developer"
present: "Javascript/Typescript, PHP",
past: "Ruby, Actionscript, C/C++, Delphi/Pascal, Visual Basic, Basic, Assembler (z80/8088)"
present: "React, ReactNative, Svelte, Expo, NextJS, Supabase, Firebase, GraphQL, Electron, NWjs, xState",
past: "Ruby on Rails, RubyMotion, Angular, JQuery"
present: "Firestore, Supabase, PostgreSQL, CouchDB/PouchDB, Algolia, GraphQL, prisma, tRPC",
past: "MongoDB, ElasticSearch, SQLlite/MySQL, SQLserver, DBase"
present: "Node scripting, Bash scripting (zx), Scrapping (puppeteer), VScode, Sketch, Balsamiq mockups, iTerm",
past: "Flash, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, Xcode"
languages: ["Spanish", "English"];