A simplified goFiber http-fast fetch package, inspired by node-fetch / JS fetch.
package main
import fetch "github.com/yngfoxx/gofiber-fetch"
func main() {
url := "https://483882fa-9a8f-49bb-a8fb-a9cfe121f4a9.mock.pstmn.io/ping"
res := fetch.Method("GET").FiberFetch(url)
if res.Error != nil {
log.Printf("Status: %d", res.Status) // Status: 200
log.Printf("Data: %s", string(res.Data.([]byte))) // Data: pong
package main
import fetch "github.com/yngfoxx/gofiber-fetch"
func main() {
// use a POST endpoint, do not use sample url
url := "https://483882fa-9a8f-49bb-a8fb-a9cfe121f4a9.mock.pstmn.io/ping"
qs := fetch.Method("POST")
// or with Authorization header
// qs := fetch.Method("POST").SetAuthorization("Bearer ...")
qs.Header = []string{"Content-Type=application/json"}
qs.Body = map[string]interface{}{
"foo": "bar",
res := qs.FiberFetch(url)
log.Printf("Status: %d", res.Status)
log.Printf("Data: %s", string(res.Data.([]byte)))
Note: all other possible http method follows the same pattern as GET and POST