Releases: yogykwan/conFusion
Releases · yogykwan/conFusion
Server-side Development with NodeJS
Multiplatform Mobile App Development with Web Technologies
- Ionic and AngularJS
- Ionic Modals and Forms
- Ionic Lists
- Angular filter
- Popups, Popovers, ActionSheets, Loading and Gestures
- Angular UI-Router and Resolve
- Local Storage
- Ionic Cordova Platforms
- Cordova Building and Deploying the App
- Cordova and ngCordova
- Cordova Notify, Toast, Vibrate
- Cordova Image, Camera
Front-End JavaScript Frameworks: AngularJS
- Angular Filters
- Grunt and Gulp
- Angular Scope
- Angular Forms and Form Validation
- Angular Factory, Service and Dependency Injection
- Angular Templates
- Angular ngRoute
- Angular UI-Router
- Client-Server Communication
- Angular $http
- Angular $resource
- Angular Testing
Front-End Web UI Frameworks and Tools
- Responsive Design and Bootstrap Grid System
- Navigation and Navigation Bar
- Buttons and Forms
- Tables, Panels and Wells
- Images, Thumbnails, Media Objects
- Labels, Badges, Alerts, Progress Bars
- Tabs and Tabbed Navigation
- Collapse, Accordion, Scrollspy and Affix
- Tooltips, Popovers and Modals
- Carousel
- Bootstrap and JQuery
- Less and Sass
- Nodejs and NPM
- Bower