This repository includes implementation and dataset for the ECCV '20 paper: "Human Correspondence Consensus for 3D Object Semantic Understanding". You can access the full paper from here or arXiv.
CPNet dataset has a collection of 25 categories, 2,334 models based on ShapeNetCore, which includes 1,000+ correspondence sets with 104,861 points. The correspondence sets are shwon in figure below. Each correspondence contains points with same semantics on each object.
Dataset can be downloaded from Google Drive or OneDrive.
CPNet dataset contains the correspondence annotations on each object and geodesic distances between correspondences. The structure of dataset is as follow:
The details of each file is as follows:
name2id.json: The dictionary between name and id of each class
- "point_clouds": point coordinates of point cloud
- "keypoints": point indexes of different correspondences
- "mesh_names": names of meshes in ShapeNet
- "mean_distance": distances between correspondences
# Create a new conda environment
conda create -n cpnet python=3.7
conda activate cpnet
conda install pytorch==1.7.1 torchvision==0.8.2 cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
Please add the absolute path of the CPNet dataset in config at first.
You can train on CPNet and get pointwise semantic embeddings with different backbones in models, for example:
python network=pointnet2 class_name=airplane
If you want to test the trained model for correspondence benchmark, please run
python network=pointnet2 class_name=airplane
If you use CPNet in your research, please cite the paper:
title={Human Correspondence Consensus for 3D Object Semantic Understanding},
author={Lou, Yujing and You, Yang and Li, Chengkun and Cheng, Zhoujun and Li, Liangwei and Ma, Lizhuang and Wang, Weiming and Lu, Cewu},
booktitle={European Conference on Computer Vision},
The implementations of models are referenced by: