Because cats, as social beings, also deserve a place to share their experiences.
rails new catbook
- Use rspec instead of minitest - Rspec
- Use factory_girl - FactoryGirl
- Use Postgres as default database - Configuring a Database - Rails Guides
- Basic cat model
rails generate model cat
- Bower and boostrap - Bower
- Create basic scaffold for listing, editing and showing cats
- Security pitfalls are on purpose included here in order the students to find them
- Included kaminari pagination - Kaminari
- Introduce sightly advanced association
- FrontMatter rails tutorial - Do 'heavy' queries to render followers in cats#show and cats#index
- Generate rake task to seed followers
rails g task catbook seed_follower_relations
(Note: Could have been also done in the seeds file? Is is better like this?)
- Inspiration resources
- Sad Cat Diary - youtube video
- Dear Kitten - youtube video
- Talking animals - youtube page
- Useful resources
- Mockup images of kitties - placekitten
- The Cat API - The Cat Api
- HTTP Status Cats API - HTTP Status Cats API