A python script to sync Scratch's cloud variables to Turbowarp's cloud server.
- Sync cloud variables from Scratch to another cloud server.
Enable 2-way communication between projects
Add proper error handling
Add more customizable settings
These instructions are for Unix-based operating systems only (macOS, BSD, and Linux).
- (Recommended for end users) The first step is to download the .zip file here then extract it to the home folder (~/). (Recommended for developers) Clone the repository opening the terminal and typing:
git clone https://github.com/zaid1442011/scratch-cloud-variable-sync.git
If you don't have git, install it or extract the .zip file to the home folder.
- Change directory to the repository:
cd scratch-cloud-variable-sync
- (Recommended) Make a python virtual environment
python3 -m venv .
And activate it (Note: You need to do this every time you deactivate the virtual environment or close the terminal session.).
source ./bin/activate
- Install the required dependencies
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Copy the contents off the example.env folder and create an 'app.env' text file and paste the contents of 'example.env' there. Fill the fields in the newly created 'app.env' with their respective values.
Start the script
python3 app.py
All contributions are welcome, but they must abide by our contribution guidelines.
If you have any question, suggestions, or encounter any issues. File an issue here.