QtOpenCvHistogram is a C++ class for make a beautiful histograms without complication!
Using Qt5 framework and OpenCv 3.x.
And of course for both histograms type : Cumulative & Normal.
You can put a colored (BGR/RGB) or a grayscale image! 👍
- Requirement:
#include <cvtoqt.h>
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgcodecs.hpp>
class is my class for convert image from OpenCv to QImage or QPixmap 😉
The QtCvHistogram class - has two static methods:
static QVector<cv::Mat> calculation(cv::Mat im1, bool cumul = false);
static QVector<QPixmap> draw(QVector<cv::Mat> hist, QSize imSize = QSize(512,400), bool fill=true, QColor backColor = QColor(255,255,255));
First static method for Calculing the histogram image:
- Parameter 1: The input image.
- Parameter 2: (Optional) is Cumulative or Not?.
- Return a
Second static method for Drawing the histogram image:
- Parameter 1: The Histogram vector from Calculation function.
- Parameter 2: (Optional) Size of output image(s)
- Parameter 3: (Optional) Histogram curve filled or not.
- Parameter 4: (Optional) Background color.
- Return a
The functions return: 3 objects for colored image (Three channels R-G-B), or 1 object for grayscale image.
mathod return a void vector:calculation(...).size() == 0
it's an error! ⛔
// Load Your Image
cv::Mat image = cv::imread("/home/zaki/Pictures/05.jpg");
// Calculate the histograms
QVector<cv::Mat> calc = QtCvHistogram::calculation(image,true);
// Get histograms images
QVector<QPixmap> draw = QtCvHistogram::draw(calc);
/* Checking Errors */
if(calc.size() == 0){
qDebug() << "Error!!";
/* If a single channel image (Grayscale) */
if(calc.size() == 1)
/* If a normal colord image (RBG)*/
ui->label->setPixmap(draw[0]); //Red
ui->label_2->setPixmap(draw[1]); //Blue
ui->label_3->setPixmap(draw[2]); //Green
ui->label_4->setPixmap(draw[3]); // All curves in one image :)
auto calc = QtCvHistogram::calculation(image,true);
auto draw = QtCvHistogram::draw(calc);
- Colored Image: Cumulative Histogram and Filled
- Colored Image: Normal Histogram and not Filled
- Grayscale Image:
- an Other style: Black background!
Tesed on Windows and Manjaro Linux ❤️