Releases: zama-ai/fhevm-devops
Stable coprocessor release with tfhe-rs v0.9
This release enables running tests locally using the fhevm repository (for more exhaustive tests) as well as a smaller test suite from the e2e folder, both locally and against Sepolia.
What's Changed
- fix: correct paremeters and directories when calling keygen by @dd23 in #26
- Update readme format by @yuxizama in #25
- chore: bump kms-core version to
by @dd23 in #28 - fix: Use #!/usr/bin/env bash rather than #!/bin/bash by @silasdavis in #29
- Reorganise and merge "main-coprocerssor" into "main" by @manoranjith in #45
- Feat/test migration db last by @leventdem in #51
- chore: remove core-base-build by @fd0r in #54
- chore: update coprocessor, geth and db migration image by @leventdem in #55
- Add E2E test suite [WIP] by @immortal-tofu in #49
- feat: use docker image to deploy fhevm SCs by @leventdem in #58
- Add tests by @immortal-tofu in #61
- fix: remove only by @immortal-tofu in #62
- feat: add benchmarks for reencrypt by @immortal-tofu in #64
- chore: fix typo in README by @immortal-tofu in #63
- test: improve benchmarks by @immortal-tofu in #65
- cleanup container volume names, delete unused items by @manoranjith in #68
- Prepare config to run e2e folder tests using fhevm-devops local setup by @leventdem in #74
- doc: add CHANGELOG by @leventdem in #75
New Contributors
- @dd23 made their first contribution in #26
- @yuxizama made their first contribution in #25
- @silasdavis made their first contribution in #29
- @manoranjith made their first contribution in #45
- @fd0r made their first contribution in #54
- @immortal-tofu made their first contribution in #49
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.6.0
What's Changed
- fix: correct paremeters and directories when calling keygen by @dd23 in #26
- Update readme format by @yuxizama in #25
- chore: bump kms-core version to
by @dd23 in #28 - fix: Use #!/usr/bin/env bash rather than #!/bin/bash by @silasdavis in #29
New Contributors
- @dd23 made their first contribution in #26
- @yuxizama made their first contribution in #25
- @silasdavis made their first contribution in #29
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7
What's Changed
- fix: correct paremeters and directories when calling keygen by @dd23 in #26
- Update readme format by @yuxizama in #25
- chore: bump kms-core version to
by @dd23 in #28 - fix: Use #!/usr/bin/env bash rather than #!/bin/bash by @silasdavis in #29
- chore: bump to use last e2e version by @leventdem in #31
- feature(KMS): enable threshold KMS through env variable CENTRALIZED_KMS by @leventdem in #33
- docs: add prerequisites binaries by @0xawaz in #34
New Contributors
- @dd23 made their first contribution in #26
- @yuxizama made their first contribution in #25
- @silasdavis made their first contribution in #29
- @0xawaz made their first contribution in #34
Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.2.0-local-TKMS-key-gen-cli
Q2 Release
This version will work with Zama REMIX plugin 😎! Plugin is coming soon...
What's Changed
- Finalize docker versions for Q2 release. by @leventdem in #23
- Chore/add cors by @leventdem in #24
Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6
Stable version
This version is using the dev image, state is not persisting.
Fhe keys are generated on the fly or taken from kms-core image.
What's Changed
- Chore/use ethermint dev image by @leventdem in #17
- docs: removed refs to private repos by @jot2re in #15
- Added EthCC TKMS presentation by @jot2re in #19
- fix(keygen): mount keys if KEY_GEN=true by @leventdem in #18
- fixture: mount fhe keys for dev image by @leventdem in #20
Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5
What's Changed
- chore: update KMS image versions to v0.4.6 by @10d9e in #7
- bumped to kms v0.5.0 by @10d9e in #8
- chore: Update KMS image versions to v0.6.0 by @10d9e in #9
- chore: Update KMS image versions to v0.7.0 by @10d9e in #10
- Adding default docs by @jot2re in #11
- Initial design draft by @jot2re in #4
- Clean up picture dependencies by @jot2re in #12
- chore: bump fhevm to v0.5.1 by @leventdem in #13
- Chore/rename docker services by @leventdem in #14
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4
Fixed kms-service-dev version mismatch.
What's Changed
- feat: latest kms image versions by @jproyo in #3
- fixture: fix mismatch for kms-service-dev + add check to compare if … by @leventdem in #5
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3
Full Changelog: v0.1.1...v0.1.2
Reduce process time in KMS
This version includes the process time reduction fix on KMS side.
Async decrypt tests are working.
Reencryption is not yet fully working.
What's Changed
- feat: use last gateway image for faster async dec response with new e… by @leventdem in #2
Full Changelog: v0.1.0...v0.1.1
FIrst version without time fix.
What's Changed
- Feat/add kms by @leventdem in #1
New Contributors
- @leventdem made their first contribution in #1
Full Changelog: