Final project done as a part of the CS50P course by Harvard
- Initially, to play this game, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
This is a minimal tic-tac-toe game
This can be played by two players
(This does not have a single-player mode now)
The game at beginning - Asks the first player to choose a marker - The second player gets assigned the other marker based on what the first player chooses
If the players are okay with the markers chosen, the game begins
tabulate library is used to display the game board
Players can alternatively place their markers on the board but the first play will be for the player with the "X" marker
Whenever there are consecutive 3 markers "X" or "O" placed, diagonally or horizontally or vertically, the game declares the player with the 3 markers as the winner
If there are no three consecutive markers placed even after the entire board is filled, the game will be declared as a tie
After each set of the game, players will be shown their points
The game ends when one player wins or it's a draw. It's a simple and strategic game enjoyed by all ages.
Used to check whether all the functions in the code are working as expected
- These are the tests implemented
test_full_board_check() - used to check if there is any space left in the game board
test_choose_first() - used to choose which player goes first
test_space_check() - used to check if the specified position is free to insert marker
test_marker_position() - used to check if the specified marker position is within the range of 1 to 10