jQuery plugin for adding ellipsis to the end of a multi-line string of text, with additional "view more" animation to open/close on click.
jQuery: text-overflow-ellipsis should work with most newer versions of jQuery, Have not tested how far back it is supported
text-overflow-ellipsis.js: Runs as a jQuery plugin.
Call the $.textOverflowEllipsis() plugin.
$(function(){ $ ("[data-lines]").each(function(){$(this).textOverflowEllipsis()}); });
#HTML There are minor requirements for having the text-overflow-ellipsis work correctly:
Parent container/div, with a data-lines="xx" attribute for how many lines to show
Inner block level element with class "full"
- immediately following the .full element
If the "view more" is desired, add
View Moreimmediately after the parent elementHas attribute data-lines="4". We have a lot of text here, but we want it to overflow correctly. We want to cut off the text at a specific line using the "data-lines='xx'" attribute, so we have the option of 1 to however many lines of text desired. Also added in a specific "view more" link that animates the full text in on click, sliding down or back up depending on if it is open or not already. Now I'm just adding in more text, la di dadi.View More#Caveats
- Line height must be set somewhere in the css waterfall
- Padding on the .short-description will be accounted for, but a margin on the .short/.full will be funky until after the view-more link is clicked
If you like to use this script in a environment that changes its size you can consider using the following javascript to reinit the text overflow:
var doReInintTextOverflow;
$(window).on('resize', function(){
doReInintTextOverflow = setTimeout(initTextOverflow, 500);
var initTextOverflow = function(){
$(".short-description").css('height', '');
$(".short-description .short").html('');
$('.js-view-more').css('display', '');