Some small notes
1: Make footer always on the bottom.
2: Bio block image with gradient background text(e.g.Hazen's block).
3: Click outside menu to close for responsive_menu, drupal/super fish.
4: Image white border -- picture frame effect.
5: Yellow box effect(e.g. views list).
6: Page move to bookmark section animation.
7: Toggle two functions JavaScript
8: 'Back to Top' button
9: Add template based on content type, without effect on edit form
10: Add CSS file based on content type
11: Add taxonomy filter to view dynamically
12: HTML5 zoom in animation
13: simple hook_menu call to set up config form drupal 7
14: one time animation when page loaded
15: global install drush on linux
16: Image with reflect shadow rotates when hover
17: Drupal 8 redirect after login
18: Centered section bottom shadow effect
19: JavaScript swap image and text column in odd/even row
20: Looping page from top to bottom
21: Use url parameter to open accordion
22: Use session to store data for download as CSV file
23: Use regex to extract desired part from HTML
24: Convert multiple HTML files into a json file for Drupal feeds
25: Radio select button with custom text input field
26: Image tooltip pure CSS
27: Nested HTTP request with rx.js
28: Asyn Validator in Angular Reactive Form
29: Menu hover animation on width