[#215 ] bump up to official stf:2.4.4
[#214 ] improve error message for shutdown over non configure env
[#203 ][#193 ] find below eror message and stop waiting for wda startup
[#197 ] let's add info about log file where problem could be identified
[#195 ] troubleshooting: verify launchctl rules status
[#194 ] add time stamp for recovery services log messages
[#183 ] investigate existing WDA click/tap implementation to speedup as much as possible
[#181 ] implement auto login after reboot mac
[#160 ] add devimages automount on every wda start
[#44] Configure auto-healing mechanism for the rethinkdb connection
[#5 ] Set up internet connection for iPhone via USB
[#212 ] Logs from the iOS command appeared during the ./ setup
[#208 ] iOS device can't correctly open safari browser on iOS Safari Sample test
[#200 ] ./ setup script doesn't work
[#199 ] Error: line 287: down: command not found after ./ shutdown
[#192 ] devicemanager plist is not loaded after setup
Known Issues
Migration Steps
Pull the latest versions and rerun ./ setup
script rebuilding STF sources obligatory!
Make sure to use with MCloud 2.4.4 !
You can’t perform that action at this time.