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Minimalistic hobby programming language (outdated)


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Minimalistic hobby programming language


Comments 2
# Line comment
### ### Block comment


Directive 2
import Includes the given module's definitions into another module
export Grands other modules access to the storage type after it
Storage Modifier 2
mut Makes variables able to change their state
async Enables creation of a new thread/coroutine on function call
Storage Type 5
enum Namespace for multiple values known at compile time
struct Namespace for multiple variables
const Value which is known at compile time
var Value that could be known at runtime
func Callable code block
Conditional 5
if Code block which executes when the given expression doesn't evaluate to false or null
while Code block which executes as long as the given expression doesn't evaluate to false or null
not Modifies an expression to evaluate true instead of false or null
for Code block which executes through an iteration of a collection
in Makes the value of the current iteration available inside the for loop
Flow Control 4
skip Skips one or a given number of iterations
break Terminates one or a at compile time known number of loops
await Joins two separate threads/coroutines together
return Returns a value if given and terminates the function
Constructs 6
true Evaluates but is not equal to 1
false Evaluates but is not equal to 0
this Accesses a global variable/constant with the same name as a local variable/constant
null Represents the absence of a value. Evaluates but is not equal to 0 or false
void Makes a function not return a value
auto Represents a type known at compile time


Logical 8
! NOT (Complement)
| OR
<< Left Shift
>> Right Shift
<~ Left Rotate
~> Right Rotate
Arithmetic 8
++ Increment
-- Decrement
+ Addition
- Subtraction
* Multiplication
/ Division
% Modulus
^ Exponentiation
Relational 8
== Equality
!= Inequality
< Less than
> Greater than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
&& AND (May not evaluate the expression on the right)
|| OR (May not evaluate the expression on the right)
Other 8
= Assignment
? Optional Type (Nullable)
$ Reference (Variable can be mutated by the given function)
@ Copy (The variable's value is passed to the given function)
.. Exclusive range (0..2 => [0, 1])
.= Inclusive range (0.=2 => [0, 1, 2])
?! Conditional (Ternary)
=> Function literal (Only available if I add function callbacks)


Primitive Types 16
bool Either true or false
u32 u64 ... 0 up to max value of the given size
i32 i64 ... 0 up to half max value of the given size and down to the same value -1
f32 f64 ... Real numbers both positive and negative
char A single 8-Bit character
str An array of characters usually terminated with \0 at the end


Enclosure 8
( ) Parameter in function declaration and call / Prioritized expression
[ ] Array / Array index
{ } Code block
' ' Character literal
" " String literal
Separator 4
. Property/Function
, Parameter
: Type
; Statement


# This is almost the whole grammar of CI-Script!
`<` & `>` insert identifier in this style / value as listed below
`(` & `)` group multiple values into one
`[` & `]` same as `(` & `)` but mark the value optional
`|` separate multiple options
`''` | `""` escape a character
`...` repeat the value before this
[import '"'[(std|res|lib):][<path>/][...]<module-name>'"';]

[[export ]enum <Enumerator> {
	[<MEMBER>[: <type>][ = <EXPRESSION>];]

[[export ]struct <Structure> {
	[[mut ]<property>([: <type>[?]] = <expression>|: <type>[?]);]

[[export ]const (<CONSTANT>[: <type>] = <EXPRESSION>;|{
	[<CONSTANT>[: <type>] = <EXPRESSION>;]

[[export ][mut ]var <variable>[: (auto|<type>)[?]][ = <expression>];]

[[export ][async ]func <function>'('[[mut ]<parameter>: (auto|<type>)[?]][, ...]')'[: ((auto|<type>)[?]|void)] {

### List of values which replace some of the labels above
<type> = `
<statement> = `
((if|while) [not ]<expression> {
}|for [[mut ]<iterator>[: <type>[?]] in ]<expression> {
}|((return|skip)[ <expression>]|break[ <EXPRESSION>]|<expression>);)
<expression> = `
([await ]<function>'('[<expression>][, ...]')'|[this.]<variable>|null|<EXPRESSION>)
<ARRAY> = `
'['[<ARRAY>[, ...]|<BOOLEAN>[, ...]|<NUMBER>[, ...]|<CHARACTER>[, ...]|<STRING>[, ...]|<STRUCTURE>[, ...]]']'
<NUMBER> = `
<STRING> = `
'"'[A|"\""|{ <expression> }][...]'"'
<Structure>'('[<expression>][, ...]')'
# This would be an example
import "std:path/module-name";

export enum Enumerator {
	MEMBER: u32 = 0;

export struct Structure {
	mut property: u32? = null;

export const CONSTANT: u32 = 0;

export mut var variable: u32? = null;

export async func function(mut parameter: auto?): void {
	if not null {
		for mut iterator: u32? in [null] {

### I hope this gave you a good overview ###

Editor Support

CI-Script has a Visual Studio Code extension for syntax highlighting. Find it here


Minimalistic hobby programming language (outdated)








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