Messenger statistics.
- Download your messenger chat history. You can follow this. I suggest you download only last year or so, otherwise it takes ages to complete your file creation.
- Move
folder from extracted zip archive to<this-repo>/res
folder is ignored in this repo not to exhibit your personal data)
# Install dependencies
mix deps.get
- Check if it's compiling:
mix test
iex -S mix
This command starts an interactive session with your files compiled so you can acces them in REPL.
Extracting data from each file.
- For each message filepath extract it into some internal representation
Extracting statistics.
- Total number of exchanged messages
- Messages exchanged per day
- Bags of words. Which words do we use most frequently
- With who did we exchange the most messages
Search for specific word usage.
- How many times have someone (especially we) used it together with windowing in 1000 counter window