PKI based QR code authentication system
/ -- web (for web service)
| -- src (source code)
| -- main
| -- java
| -- io/tomahawkd/pki
| -- controller (backend request interface)
| -- dao (database interface)
| -- model (database model)
| -- service
| -- (Startup class)
| -- resources
| -- static (js/css dir)
| -- templates (html dir)
| -- (springboot configuration, ignored in github)
| -- test
| -- pom.xml (dependency)
| -- (Directory explanation)
| -- .gitignore
| -- OWNERS (Directory permission controll)
| -- pkiservice (third party key/token distribution and management)
| -- pki-client-api (client api part for pkiservice)
| -- pki-server-api (server api part for pkiservice)
| -- pki-api-common (common class in client and server)
| -- android (for android client)
| -- app
| -- build
| -- libs
| -- clientAPI.jar
| -- src (source code)
| -- main
| -- assets
| -- URLconfig (store server address)
| -- java
| -- com.Vshows.PKI
| -- fragment
| -- userInfoFragment
| -- userLogFragment
| -- util
| -- DBHelper (create SQLite)
| -- keyManager (database operation)
| -- StringToKey
| -- SystemUtil (get device infomation)
| -- TokenList
| -- TokenListAdapter (show token list ListView)
| -- URLUtil (get url from URLConfig)
| -- UserLog
| -- UserLogAdapter (show user log ListView)
| -- BottomBar
| -- changepsw
| -- ChangeSelfInfo
| -- ChangeToken
| -- Check (confirm login)
| -- index
| -- Login
| -- Register
| -- Scan
| -- welcome
| -- res
| -- drawable
| -- layout (xml dir)
| -- mipmap-anydpi-v26
| -- mipmap-hdpi
| -- mipmap-mdpi
| -- mipmap-xhdpi
| -- mipmap-xxhdpi
| -- mipmap-xxxhdpi
| -- values
| -- AndriodManifest.xml
| -- .gitignore
| -- app.iml
| -- build.gradle
| --
| -- zxing.jks
| -- gradle
| -- zxinglibrary (library for scanning QRcode)
| -- .gitignore
| -- build.gradle
| --
| -- gradlew
| -- gradlew.bat
| --
| --
| -- settings.gradle
This project is divided into several permissions:
- Management: @Tomahawkd
- Write: Depends on directory
- Read: Everyone
@Tomahawkd, @Vshows, @Dracula1998, @zhangxu1814, @czzzzz0, @QhY1QHY
Fork the project
Contribute code
Check repo update and merge into your code
pull request
With the summer internship ends, the repo will hardly be updated. And I will maintain the repo from time to time when I get free.
Considering the effeciency of the authentication server, I would transfer to use TCP protocol by project netty for smaller transfering bytes and higher performance.