Asynchronous Python implementation of the Frontier Silicon API
- This project was started in order to embed Frontier Silicon devices in Home Assistant (
- Inspired by:
Required python libs:
- requests
import asyncio
from afsapi import AFSAPI
URL = 'http://192.168.1.XYZ:80/device'
PIN = 1234
TIMEOUT = 1 # in seconds
async def test():
afsapi = await AFSAPI.create(URL, PIN, TIMEOUT)
print(f'Set power succeeded? - {await afsapi.set_power(True)}' )
print(f'Power on: {await afsapi.get_power()}')
print(f'Friendly name: {await afsapi.get_friendly_name()}')
for mode in await afsapi.get_modes():
print(f'Available Mode: {mode}')
print(f'Current Mode: {await afsapi.get_mode()}')
for equaliser in await afsapi.get_equalisers():
print(f'Equaliser: {equaliser}')
print(f'EQ Preset: {await afsapi.get_eq_preset()}' )
for preset in await afsapi.get_presets():
print(f"Preset: {preset}")
print(f'Set power succeeded? - {await afsapi.set_power(False)}')
print(f'Set sleep succeeded? - {await afsapi.set_sleep(10)}')
print(f'Sleep: {await afsapi.get_sleep()}')
print(f'Get power {await afsapi.get_power()}' )
loop = asyncio.new_event_loop()