The Online Appointment Application aims to address the inefficiencies in appointment processes by making scheduling and managing appointments with service providers easier. Designed to minimize the time waste and congested phone traffic caused by traditional phone-based communication, the project seeks to digitize modern appointment processes. Users can view service provider working hours, make appointments, track past appointments, and manage them, redefining productivity in appointment scheduling.
Backend: Firebase Realtime Database, and Firebase Authentication with Firebase JS SDK
Frontend: React Native, Expo, Expo Go App, React Navigation
Installed Packages: Expo Vector Icons, Expo Notifications, React Native Flash Message, React Native Popup Menu, Formik, Moment, Expo-Image Picker, React Native Reanimated, React Native Maps, Expo Location, React Native Share
Categorized list of services with detailed provider information
Real-time availability status for booking appointments
Notifications, view of upcoming and past appointments
GPS integration for locating nearby services
Share services with others.
- Ensure Node.js and Expo CLI are installed.
- Open the terminal in the project folder and run
npm install
to install dependencies. - Create a Firebase account and add the Firebase configuration to the project.
- Start the project by running the
npx expo start
command in the terminal. To try the application live an emulator needed also.