- Python-Based
- Build on Web3.py
- Pre-Configured Networks (Eth with Infura)
- Full support Solidity and Vyper
- python3 version 3.6 or greater, python3-dev
- ganache-cli - tested with version 6.12.2
Setting up the local enviroment as describe on github eth-brownie/brownie, to see the Official Brownie Documentation Eth-Brownie Docs
If you don't have Ganache, Run:
npm install ganache --global
Using PIPX (Recomended)
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
python3 -m pip install --user pipx
pipx install eth-brownie
It might be python instead of python3 depending on your configuration
If you have problems you might want to check pipx documentation
Quick Start
brownie init
Note: It must be initalized in an empty folder.
Using the previos contract developed Voting.sol
Writing a deployment script
Configuration file for the project
You will need to set:
- PRIVATE_KEY (account of deployer)
- WEB3_INFURA_PROJECT_ID (Provider) if you want to see all the networks already configured then run:
brownie networks list
- ETHERSCAN_TOKEN (If you want to verify the smart contract)
Smart contract deployed on kovan testnet at: 0x947D0f6E593e30e0eE27f8D4BB6d4805fd1964e6