Zom Android
- "Zom Services" chat bot is now enabled
- Default server is now home.zom.im
- Adding friend now waits for them to confirm you before starting to chat
2f1c45c update build version to 1502002
d140eab tweak how new chats are started for contacts
9c99222 make home.zom.im the default server
af51e56 link Zom Services to add contact and start chat!
eef828e just show three dots for typing indicator
00ed990 turn debug status off
25f709e update gradle build to 1502001
c53d875 small UI tweaks for themeing and spacing
1beab60 improve password change UI and experience
3fb4c80 add support for changing nickname and server password
a36324a update dev build of IOCipher AAR
8029d10 add new IOCipher dependency
54ad19d update local IOCipher depend
4bb2368 update zom services icon
b7cc29b Multiple improvements to multi-select, sharing and forwarding - contact picker now works with multiple selections for both group creation and sharing/forwarding - you can now share photos with multiple selected contacts - bug related to multiple mode not return proper selected items fixed by using "stable IDs"
a2c8dc4 updated strings from transifex
dd898e6 don't auto-start OTR in all cases; display fingerprint w/o session - We were over zealously trying to start OTR sessions before. Now we will not, so that we can give them a chance to work, and not overwhelm other clients. - We also need to be able to display OTR fingerprints for contacts, even if we don't have an active session with them. This will now show a default fingerprint for the contact if they are not conneted.
c54eda4 improve display of messages with/without bubble around them
b3de376 reset the main activity if certain settings are changed sometimes we have to finish() start() activity for these to take affect
8bc7fc9 improved contact link sharing to NOT use QRCode and just text
c4c1961 another fix for password view toggling
9c72807 allow toggle of show password UI
144a040 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zom/Zom-Android
5954712 make attach menu animate in and out
b5ea8a8 tweak the typing indicator
7519a2e never show the sent + waiting (no check + clock)
3cae1b6 update name of chatsecure push module
4e746b8 update to IOCipher-v0.4 beta build
9446cce update to new IOCipher beta build for Android 7
ada00bd tweak the support for chat state typing indicators
76eb3c6 only show this warning for a certain period of time
294d254 remote unused library
c5bef4e tweak color of discover tab text
67dc9b0 Fixes #154: add Trust On First Use and Verification Warning The first time you encounter a contact and their OTR key, there will be no warning. If the key changes, the user will be warned and prompted to verify it on the profile screen. This is a work in progress fix, with a few more user expereince tweaks to come.
bdcb7a2 add new "Zom Services" string
ca0853d udpate the Discover tab
e68f883 fixes #157 with new buddhist sticker pack
c42371e Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zom/Zom-Android
49c46dd update build to 1501933
fd415d4 add typing indicator chatstatus support
65e3859 remnaning related work for this next release
a406bb1 delete random pgp sig files in repo
431ff3c update build.gradle spacing
4bec61a ignore pgp sigs
90703cc store presence created time for "last seen" support coming soon
128cdcc removed from legacy
25b323b show prominent verify button if needed
dc9b864 update to support multi-color letteravatars using material design
abf59a2 add new strings for security verification and lock
dc5765d add new reset lock menu option
8455e87 Add support for typing indicators to indicate active state
8c59464 make add friend dialog fullscreen
bcbfc46 Add app lock reset passphrase option