Zom Android 15.0.3-beta-1
58a2182 update build for 1503001
c9ea5d3 disable debug for now
ba4a55f detect network outage/offline state more completely
cfdb210 don't start login again if we are already logging in
b14a12a attempt to fix the travis build
61d87b2 update chatsecure-push
2226e2e fix folder creation with media storage
f1aec22 massive cleanup, build optimization, and dependency improvements - switch to spongycastle instead of gp's version - try
af976df switch to updated apache httpclient import
107a418 remove multidex imports, not used anymore
d0044f5 switch to using spongycastle instead of our outdated bc fork
fbffdbc fixes #182 adding expression sticker pack
3217737 fixes #144 to make sure to close any existing chat session
9bebaaf tweak how the persistent notification shows up and works
dbfe991 make sure the "hint" color shows up when themes change
914072b remove unused insecure code: app/src/main/java/org/awesomeapp/messenger/plugin/xmpp/XmppConnection.java
753f813 progress on #180 notifying when there is no internet
58e31bb fix for new SDK 25 updates
75dc199 remove gradle witness pins for now, until we can properly update them
e26b2ac update gradle settings, switch back to IOCipher gradle depend
5b3223c update to latest build of chatsecure push repo
2b90c23 Merge branch 'master' of github.com:zom/Zom-Android
a058a62 modifications for use of custom fonts
12fc6dd fix gradle settigs, imports, and sdks
0be7f06 we don't need this anymore for sqlcipher
b73da63 add support for Lato fonts
9ea4938 fixes issues with chatstate handling and threads
c9167c4 check for now on typeface, don't do anything if null