A Vue component that uses vue-motion
spring physics and mouse coordinates on the layer to either:
- Tilt an element passed as a slot child
- Pass spring-smoothed mouse X/Y coordinates (range in 0 - 1) that you can access with scoped-slots
Includes a mapRange
helper function to simplify adding motion based on the mouse coords.
Root element size changes are automatically updated using a ResizeObserver and the mousemove
event is throttled to 10ms intervals using lodash.throttle
npm i --save mystrdat/vue-mousespring
<MouseSpring v-slot="{ coords, mapRange }">
<div class="container">
transform: `translate(${mapRange(5, -5, coords.y)}px, ${mapRange(-5, 5, coords.x)}px)`
import MouseSpring from 'vue-mousespring'
export default {
components: {
:default-coords="{ x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }"
:x-range="[5, -5]"
:y-range="[-5, 5]"
:spring="{ stiffness: 60, damping: 16, precision: 0.01 }"
- Use default tilt mechanics | Boolean
| default true
- Default mouse coordinates | Object
| default { x: 0.5, y: 0.5 }
- Default tilt angle range on X-axis in degrees | Array
| default [5, -5]
- Default tilt angle range on Y-axis in degrees | Array
| default [-5, 5]
- Spring configuration, see options | String, Object
| default { stiffness: 60, damping: 16, precision: 0.01 }
- Timer after which to reset to default coords when the pointer leaves element | Number
| default 200