Energy Vector Diagram method provides ab initio methodology for analysis of inter-molecular interactions in molecular crystals.
For details see:
EVD of crystal structure could be constructed starting from proper CIF file with now disorder or similar shortcomingsin following steps:
Normalize of positions of hydrogen atoms
For each symmetry unique molecule, build first coordination sphere
For each molecule from first coordination sphere, calculate interaction energy with base molecule
In the crystal structure, build set of vectors starting from geometrical center of base molecule, pointing to centers of neighboring molecules, with lenght Rij = Eij * Dij / 2Emax
Visualize resulted diagram.
Download links for Windows
Python : [http://python.org/ftp/python/2.7.5/python-2.7.5.msi]
Openbabel : [http://sourceforge.net/projects/openbabel/files/openbabel/2.3.2/OpenBabel2.3.2a_Windows_Installer.exe/download]
Openbabel Python module : [http://sourceforge.net/projects/openbabel/files/openbabel-python/1.8/openbabel-python-1.8.py27.exe/download]
###Typical usage
Start with MyStructure.cif
####Calculate coordination spheres
MolShellSplit.py MyStructure
The script will read CIF file, normalize positions of hydrogen atoms (C-H: 1.089, N-H: 1.015, O-H: 0.993), find and for each symmetry unique molecule will calculate its first coordination sphere. Will output
- each line contains symmemetry operation and IDs of base and symmetry related molecule for all molecules from first coordination sphere (defined as all molecule which have contacs with base molecule within sum of VdW radii + 1A).
- geometry of first coordination sphere for each symmetry unique molecule
- geometry of dimers (base molecule + neighbiring molecule)
####Perform quantum-chemical calculations of interaction energies
You can prepare input files for DFT+BSSE calculations with (ORCA)[http://cec.mpg.de/forum/] using mkinps-orca-dim.py script.
`mkinps-orca-dim.py -b -r '!b97-d3 tzvp tzvp/j nososcf' MyStructure`
Run calculations. You can extract interaction energies with geten_orca.py bash script. This will generate list on interaction energies in MyStructure.ene file.
geten_orca.py -b MyStructure
####Build EVDs
urchins.py MyStructure
will read MySTructure.cif MyStructure.symm and MyStructure.ene files and output PDB file suitable for viewing with Mercury.