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zxbc committed Jul 22, 2023
1 parent 424d934 commit f51f3df
Showing 1 changed file with 172 additions and 0 deletions.
172 changes: 172 additions & 0 deletions gui_screencapture.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
function widget:GetInfo()
return {
name = "AutoScreenshot - Fixed Camera and Cropped Output",
desc = "Makes a screenshot every x frames. Shift+alt+p to toggle on/off. Shift+alt+o to toggle fullscreen capture on/off.",
author = "Errrrrrr",
date = "2023",
license = "GNU GPL, v2 or later",
layer = 0,
enabled = true,
handler = true,

local toggle_key = "shift+alt+p" -- The key to toggle the widget on/off
local fullscreen_key = "shift+alt+o" -- The key to toggle fullscreen capture on/off

local active = false -- The widget is inactive by default
local framesPerScreenshot = 150
local format = "jpeg"
local quality = 95
local takeScreenshot = false
local screenshotFolder = "screenshots"
local prevUIState = nil
local screenshotIndex = 0
local initialCamState = nil -- Store the camera state when the widget is activated

local fullScreenCapture = false -- By default, we capture the boxed region of the battlefield
local spSendCommands = Spring.SendCommands

function widget:Initialize()
-- GUI shader doesn't play nice with screenshots
widgetHandler:DisableWidget('GUI Shader')

widgetHandler.actionHandler:AddAction(self, "toggle_screenshot_widget", Toggle, nil, "p") -- Add the action to the widgetHandler
widgetHandler.actionHandler:AddAction(self, "toggle_full_screen_capture", ToggleFullScreenCapture, nil, "p") -- Add the action to the widgetHandler


function ToggleFullScreenCapture()
fullScreenCapture = not fullScreenCapture
if fullScreenCapture then
Spring.Echo("AutoScreenshot widget will capture the full screen.") -- Print a console message
Spring.Echo("AutoScreenshot widget will capture the battlefield region.") -- Print a console message
return true

function Toggle()
active = not active
if active then
-- toggling off all the intruding UI widgets
widgetHandler:DisableWidget('Grid menu')
widgetHandler:DisableWidget('Order menu')

initialCamState = Spring.GetCameraState()
Spring.SendCommands("viewicons") -- Keep icons on
Spring.Echo("AutoScreenshot widget has been turned ON. Fullscreen mode: " .. tostring(fullScreenCapture)) -- Print a console message
-- toggling on all the intruding UI widgets
widgetHandler:EnableWidget('Grid menu')
widgetHandler:EnableWidget('Order menu')

Spring.Echo("AutoScreenshot widget has been turned OFF.") -- Print a console message
return true

function widget:GameFrame(n)
if active and n % framesPerScreenshot == 0 then
takeScreenshot = true

local updates = 0
function widget:Update()
updates = updates + 1
if updates > 30 then
spSendCommands({"bind " .. toggle_key .. " toggle_screenshot_widget"}) -- Use Spring's command to bind the hotkey
spSendCommands({"bind " .. fullscreen_key .. " toggle_full_screen_capture"}) -- Use Spring's command to bind the hotkey
if active then
-- Keep the camera fixed
-- get camera state and check against initial state
local camState = Spring.GetCameraState()

-- if camera has moved, reset it
if camState.px ~= initialCamState.px or ~= or camState.pz ~= initialCamState.pz or
camState.rx ~= initialCamState.rx or camState.ry ~= initialCamState.ry or camState.rz ~= initialCamState.rz or
camState.vx ~= initialCamState.vx or camState.vy ~= initialCamState.vy or camState.vz ~= initialCamState.vz then
Spring.SetCameraState(initialCamState, 0)

--Spring.SetCameraState(initialCamState, 0)

function widget:DrawScreen()
if takeScreenshot then
local minX, minY, width, height
if fullScreenCapture then
-- Full screen capture
local viewSizeX, viewSizeY, _, _ = Spring.GetViewGeometry()
minX = 0
minY = 0
width = viewSizeX
height = viewSizeY
-- Battlefield region capture
local x1, y1 = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords(0, 0, 0)
local x2, y2 = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords(Game.mapSizeX, 0, 0)
local x3, y3 = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords(0, 0, Game.mapSizeZ)
local x4, y4 = Spring.WorldToScreenCoords(Game.mapSizeX, 0, Game.mapSizeZ)

-- Calculate bounding box in screen space
minX = math.min(x1, x2, x3, x4)
minY = math.min(y1, y2, y3, y4)
local maxX = math.max(x1, x2, x3, x4)
local maxY = math.max(y1, y2, y3, y4)

-- Define margin as a percentage of width and height (e.g., 5%)
local marginX = 0.05 * (maxX - minX)
local marginY = 0.05 * (maxY - minY)

-- Adjust bounding box with margins
minX = minX - marginX
maxX = maxX + marginX
minY = minY - marginY
maxY = maxY + marginY

-- Calculate width and height of bounding box
width = maxX - minX
height = maxY - minY
-- Save current UI state and disable UI elements
prevUIState = Spring.GetConfigString("InputTextGeo")
Spring.SendCommands("inputtextgeo 0 0 0 0") -- command to hide the UI

-- Get the name of the map
local mapName = Game.mapName or "unknown"

-- Save screenshot to file
local fileName = screenshotFolder .. "/" .. mapName .. "_" .. tostring(screenshotIndex) .. '.' .. format
if fullScreenCapture then
spSendCommands('screenshot '.. format .. ' ' .. quality)
gl.SaveImage(minX, minY, width, height, fileName, {alpha = true, yflip = true})

-- Increment screenshot index
screenshotIndex = screenshotIndex + 1

-- Restore previous UI state
Spring.SendCommands("inputtextgeo " .. prevUIState) -- command to restore the UI

takeScreenshot = false

function widget:GetConfigData()
return fullScreenCapture

function widget:SetConfigData(data)
if data ~= nil then
fullScreenCapture = data

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