1757 base swerve robot
To save yourself from pain, run the following in your bash terminal:
py -3 --version #or python3 --version
MAKE SURE IT IS 3.10 OR ABOVE (if not, use the link above to get it)
Globally install pipenv (for the virual environment)
py -3 -m pip install -U pipenv
Create virtualenv/sync from pipenv
Try to install the packages using the following command, which will automatically create a virtual environment:
pipenv sync
If that does not work, instead manually create the environment by running
cd <path-to-mentorbot-repo> py -3 -m venv ./.venv # wait until this is done and the terminal prompt comes back pipenv sync
Also, be sure not to upload it when committing to the team github (it should already be blocked in .gitignore)
Update Dependancies (must have internet connection)
pipenv update
Activate virtual environment (must have internet connection)
pipenv shell
) (see: robotpy on pypi) -
Deploy robotpy program
And that's it! On your own machine, open the simulator to see if everything worked!
- To robot
(must be connected to roboRIO)
python -m robotpy deploy
- To simulator
python -m robotpy sim
- To robot
(must be connected to roboRIO)
- Make sure Pylint, Black and Prettier are installed
- Run Pylint in terminal and check for a help output. It should be autoinstalled with python.
- Run Black in terminal empty and look for "No path provided". If nothing happens, run the second command
python -m pip install -U black
- Make Pylint happy
- Run Pylint on your files
pylint $(git ls-files "*.py")
- With the error "Method could be a function" on an isFinished in a command, add this command above it. If necessary, swap out "no-self-use" with whatever error it gives you at the end.
# pylint: disable-next=no-self-use
- Formatting with Black and Prettier
- Run black on your files (autoformats). Also note that it can be configured to run on save of a file.
black .
-You also may need to format json files using Prettier. When opening a json file in VSCode, it should prompt you to download Prettier in a small window in the bottom right. If not, go to the extensions tab on the left and search "Prettier". The top result is it (about 19 million downloads)
- Make sure it starts in sim and works as expected
- Should be obvious but make sure to do it
- for python we are using black
- for json we are using prettier
- all JSON files must be alphabetized, you can use the following extension for prettier
- Image the roboRIO Imaging instructions
- Configure the roboRio
Item Value Team number 1757
Firmware 6.0.0f1
Image FRC_roboRIO_2021_v3.0 (note: outdated, just use a new version)
Static IP
Subnet Mask
- FalconFX
- CANCoder
- Pneumatics Hub
Device | Class | Range | ID |
robo_rio | core | 0 - 9 | master (no ID) |
pdh | core | 0 - 9 | 0 |
front_left_drive | motors | 10 - 29 | 10 |
front_left_steer | motors | 10 - 29 | 11 |
front_right_drive | motors | 10 - 29 | 12 |
front_right_steer | motors | 10 - 29 | 13 |
back_left_drive | motors | 10 - 29 | 14 |
back_left_steer | motors | 10 - 29 | 15 |
back_right_drive | motors | 10 - 29 | 16 |
back_right_steer | motors | 10 - 29 | 17 |
front_left_encoder | sensors | 40 - 59 | 40 |
front_right_encoder | sensors | 40 - 59 | 41 |
back_left_encoder | sensors | 40 - 59 | 42 |
back_right_encoder | sensors | 40 - 59 | 43 |
Device | IP Address | Subnet Mask |
OpenMesh radio | |
???.???.???.??? |
roboRIO | | |
Driver Station (laptop) | | |
- Download python for roboRIO
(must have internet connection)
python -m robotpy_installer download-python
- Download robotpy modules for roboRIO
(must have internet connection)
python -m robotpy_installer download robotpy
) (see: robotpy on pypi) - Install python on roboRIO
(must be connected to roboRIO)
python -m robotpy_installer install-python
- Upload robotpy modules to roboRIO
(must be connected to roboRIO)
python -m robotpy_installer install robotpy
) (see: robotpy on pypi)