This is a modding kit made for modding Astroneer. It should be fairly up to date with the latest game version.
You may find further information on using this kit on the website
If you are interested in re-generating the Source directory on your own, e.g. for updating it to a future version, the process is as follows. This is not needed to make mods, and should only be done by advanced users.
Dump a set of UHT-compatible headers with UE4SS. You may wish to reference this guide for further information:
Build and execute the the UE4GameProjectGenerator commandlet on 4.23 with the dumped UE4SS headers, an Astro.upluginmanifest file extracted from an Astroneer game .pak file, and the .uproject file provided in this repository. You may need to modify the Astro.upluginmanifest file by hand to remove the AstroTests plugin.
Execute the file in this repository with the game project directory you specified in the previous step as the first parameter:
python <game project directory from previous step>
- You're done!