Two simple scripts to assemble prokaryotic genomes using paired-end reads.
- QC on reads with (adapter trimming/quality filtering)
- Error-correction of reads with
- Assembly of reads with skesa
- Alignment of error-corrected reads against draft assembly with
- Polishing of assembly with pilon
pip install ProkaryoteAssembly
The first script,
, operates on a single sample at a time.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-1, --fwd_reads PATH Path to forward reads (R1) (gzipped FASTQ).
-2, --rev_reads PATH Path to reverse reads (R2) (gzipped FASTQ).
-o, --out_dir PATH Root directory to store all output files. [required]
-m, --memory TEXT Amount of memory to allocate to job. e.g. "8g".
Defaults to 8g.
--cleanup Specify this flag to delete all intermediary files
except the resulting FASTA assembly.
--version Specify this flag to print the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
The second script,
, will detect all *.fastq.gz files in
a directory and run the assembly pipeline on each sample it can pair.
Usage: [OPTIONS]
-i, --input_dir PATH Directory containing all *.fastq.gz files to
assemble.NOTE: Files must be gzipped in order to be
detected. [required]
-o, --out_dir PATH Root directory to store all output files. [required]
-f, --fwd_id TEXT Pattern to detect forward reads. Defaults to "_R1".
-r, --rev_id TEXT Pattern to detect reverse reads. Defaults to "_R2".
-m, --memory TEXT Memory to allocate to pilon call. Defaults to 8g (i.e.
pilon -Xmx8g). May need to provide a large amount of
memory for large read sets/assemblies.
--cleanup Specify this flag to delete all intermediary files
except the resulting FASTA assembly.
--version Specify this flag to print the version and exit.
--help Show this message and exit.
- click
NOTE: All external dependencies must be available via PATH.
Versions confirmed to work are in brackets.
- skesa (SKESA v.2.1-SVN_551987:557549M)
- BBMap (BBMap version 38.22)
- samtools (samtools 1.8 using htslib 1.8)
- pilon (Pilon version 1.22)
Note: Strongly recommend installing pilon via conda e.g.
conda install pilon