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Releases: BenLangmead/bowtie2


17 May 03:26
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  • Added --sam-opt-config command line option for toggling SAM Opt flags.
    See MANUAL for details.
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2's memory usage to increase over time
    when aligning BAM files.
  • Changed bowtie2 to continue flushing output in the event of a partial write.
  • Changed the behavior of bowtie2-build to throw an exception if it is unable
    to write the BWT (.1.bt2, .1.rev.bt2). In prior versions bowtie2-build, would silently
    ignore the error which has led some to report the absence of the BWT files in
    a "completed" index build.
  • Reverted the changes made in v2.5.0 that sometimes caused unique concordant alignments to be over-counted.


17 Jan 03:50
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Version 2.5.3 - Jan 16, 2024

  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2's memory usage to increase over time.
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to crash when processing empty FASTQ records.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause bowtie2 to erroneously treat -f and -F as mutually exclusive.
  • Add optional support for libsais to bowtie2-build for faster index building.
    N.B. -- small indexes are capped at 2GB when using libsais as opposed to 4GB when using the
    default blockwise algorithm. See MANUAL for more details.


14 Oct 03:38
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  • Fixed an issue preventing bowtie2 from utilizing the specified number of CPU cores
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to segfault when reading compressed inputs on Windows
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to segfault while parsing interleaved reads
  • Overhauled the FASTQ parser with better tolerance for empty lines


18 Jan 04:09
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  • Fixed an issue affecting bowtie2 alignment accuracy.
  • Updated the versions of the NCBI NGS and VDB libraries used by bowtie2.
  • Fixed a segmentation fault that would occur while aligning SRA data.
  • Fixed an issue preventing --un-mates from properly saving unaligned mates.

02/28/2023 - Added SRA package for MacOS x86-64


01 Nov 03:28
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  • Overall improvements in the use of prefetch instructions. (contribution by Igor Sfiligoi)
  • Made input/output fully asynchronous by using a dedicated thread. (contribution by Igor Sfiligoi)
  • Added support for AVX2 256-bit instructions with can be enabled by
    setting the SSE_AXV2 environment variable at compile time. (contribution by Igor Sfiligoi)
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to crash when processing ZSTD
    files with high compression ratios.
  • Changed the way that unique alignments are counted in summary
    message to better match up with filters on SAM output

Version 2.4.5 - Jan 15, 2022

17 Jan 04:41
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  • Fixed issues with bowtie2 BAM parser that would cause bowtie2 to
    crash when processing input that was encoded with tools other than
    samtools e.g. Picard.
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to drop certain optional fields when
    when aligning BAM reads with the --preserve-tags option.
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2 to produce mangled SAM output when
    specifying --sam-append-comment together with the --passthrough
  • Appended GO:query to SAM @HD entry to indicate that reads are
    grouped by query name, bump SAM version to 1.5 to indicate support
    for this change.


  • Implemented thread pool to address performance regressions
    introduced during the switch to C++11 threads.
  • Fixed an issue causing masked-sequence metadata to be omitted
    from index. This issue would subsequently result in sequence
    data, @SQ, being left out from alignment SAM header.
  • Included .tmp extension to index files currenlty being built.
    The extension is removed only upon successful build. This change
    seeks to address the assumption that bowtie2-build ran successfully
    without building the reverse indexes.
  • Fixed an issue causing bowtie2-build to sometimes incorrectly
    calculate input size. This issue would result in the wrong index type
    being chosen and only happened with GZip compressed files.


  • Added a new -o/--output option to save the output of
    bowtie2-inspect to a file instead of being dumped to standard


24 May 01:07
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  • Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause deadlocks in bowtie2 when running multithreaded


14 May 04:00
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* Replaced TBB concurrency with C++ threads
* Added native support for processing Zstd-compressed read files
  to bowtie2
* Added native support for processing Zstd-compressed
  reference-genome files to bowtie2-build
* Fixed an issue causing `bowtie2` to report incorrect alignments
  on big-endian machines
* Fixed an issue causing `bowtie2` to incorrectly process BAM
  files on big-endian machines
* Fixed an issue causing Bowtie2 to set an incorrect MAPQ when AS and
  XS are the maximum for read length
* Add support for building on Apple M1 processors


06 Oct 04:08
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* Fixed an issue that would cause the `bowtie2` wrapper script to throw
  an error when using wrapper-specific arguments.
* Added new `--sam-append-comment` flag that appends comment from FASTA/Q
  read to corresponding SAM record.
* Fixed an issue that would cause qupto, `-u`, to overflow when there
  are >= 2^32 query sequences (PR #312).
* Fixed an issue that would cause bowtie2-build script to incorrectly
  process reference files.


28 Feb 22:43
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  • Fixed an issue that would cause the bowtie2 wrapper script to incorrectly
    process certain arguments.