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Data Entry UI

Christian Gass edited this page Feb 8, 2017 · 3 revisions

Page Components

At least two components: Map and Form.

Possible at 3rd component: Table.


The map will be a basic CARTO web map displaying points in the database, symbolized by a "verified for this year" attribute (true/false).

Clicking on the points on the map will bring available information into the data entry form next to the map.


The form will simplify data entry, and provide some lightweight domain enforcement.

Particularly for the dates, this will be important.

  • For dates: calendar selector for the day; dropdown for the start time; dropdown for the end time. Dropdowns provide presets at 15 minute intervals.
  • For the initial data, set all dates to Fridays in Lent, but leave times blank. Create a flash/flag to highlight that event times are missing (use also for form validation before user submits).
  • Functions for loading existing data to the form; upon submission submit
  • Function for starting with a fresh form


A quick, paged table view of data points currently shown on the map. Dynamically updates with extent changes. Selecting in table will select on map, and vice versa, bringing in relevant data to the form for editing.

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