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Christian Gass edited this page Jan 20, 2017 · 1 revision

Attributes about the fish fries that we want to capture

This is a pseudo-schema.

field type what is this critical
venue name string name of the the place yes
venue desc string any instructions about the venue (e.g., entrance is on the side) no
venue address string number street, city, state zip (e.g., 345 Main St., Anytown, PA 15001 yes
open Ash Wednesday boolean indicate if open on Ash Wednesday no
open Friday boolean indicate if open on Good Friday no
church boolean indicate if venue is a church no
take out boolean indicate if take-out is available no
alcohol boolean indicate if alcohol is served no
homemade pierogies boolean indicate if piergies are homemade (if no piergies, leave empty) no
lunch boolean indicate if lunch is served no
datetime TBD array of two item arrays containing date objects representing start and end of individual events, e.g., {[2017-03-17T16:00:00.000Z, 2017-03-17T21:00:00.000Z],...}. Pre-populate with dates for the year. yes
menu string text dump of menu items and prices if available no
etc string describe any other things (e.g., Delivery for local businesses only; minimum $50 order) no
phone int phone number no
email string email no
website url event url if available, venue url otherwise no
publish boolean flag to indicate if row is to be published, if it has been verified yes

How we're going to complete the database.

  • We'll pre-populate the entire database with venues and their relevant attributes from last year where possible. All will get a flag for no publication until verified.
  • In adding/updated events, null values are OK! Leave it blank if not known.
  • We'll create a simple form UI to facilitate editing of data.