Wireless update
Minecraft 1.7.2 need forge.
Now you can build light system with multiple button without pain : D
All is in electricalAge_tutorial map, near the end.
- Tweek thermal resistance values
- Fix battery heating
- Fix turbine "over" heating at map reload
- Add a pulse signal button bloc
- Fix wireless signal throug block attenuation
- Fix sixnode destruction bug
- Redo wireless system. Now repeater retransmit all channel, and RX can aggregate multiple transmeter source !
- Aggregaton are Biggest,Smallest,Toogle (for lamp controle it's useful)
- signal button (go off 200 millisecond after pushed)
- Wireless button
- Wireless tutorial
- Tutorial plate model integration
R12 fix :
- Add wireless button/switch recipe
- Fix integrated wiki crash when using other mod that don't check NULL reference XD
R13 fix :
- Now when you look at a small wall block (cables, ..) the bounding box draw is better
- Fix oreDictionary with electrical age ore, now you can use other mod ore with.
- Fix tutorial plate, Now that working on not integrated server
R14 fix :
- Now, when thunder fall, wireless signals are glitched
- Egg incubator crash on break
- Fix case where turbine going in short cut XD I'm realy sorry for that, it's bad :(
R15 fix :
- fix crash when you break the cable that a replicator eat
- Add the replicator id into configuration file. -1 mean auto generated id
R16 fix :
- add PID function regulator into signal processor
- Sound are now played in Block channel, exept for alarm that are played into juxbox/record channel
- remplace rs switch in tutorial by button
- wireless button are now affected by thunder
- add replicator into tutorial
R17 fix :
- Inductor subsystem are created in priority
- Capacitor are now added to the game. WIP
- Better voltage probe GUI
- Fix a gui low level bad thing
R18 fix :
- Stupid R17
- Now, api of computer craft is not into the mod zip.
- Computer craft probe is loaded only if there is computer craft mod, <3 reflexion