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Fix bug when defining polymorphic datatype type with name "a"
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One remaining annoyance is that the constructor is stored with a
default type that does not use 'a, but will instead use the type
variable 'aa. This is visible when prim_mk_const is used, but not
much (if at all) otherwise.

Closes #1140
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mn200 committed Oct 21, 2023
1 parent 5f1d5f3 commit 68d5422
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Showing 3 changed files with 77 additions and 26 deletions.
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions doc/
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Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ New features:
Bugs fixed:

- Fix [a failure to define a polymorphic datatype with name `a`](

New theories:

Expand Down
75 changes: 49 additions & 26 deletions src/datatype/Datatype.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -174,55 +174,78 @@ in
app warn common

fun ast_tyvar_strings (dAQ ty) = map dest_vartype $ type_vars ty
| ast_tyvar_strings (dVartype s) = [s]
| ast_tyvar_strings (dTyop {Args, ...}) =
List.concat (map ast_tyvar_strings Args)

local fun tyname_as_tyvar n = mk_vartype ("'" ^ n)
fun stage1 (s,Constructors l) = (s,l)
| stage1 (s,Record fields) = (s,[(mk_recordtype_constructor s,
map snd fields)])
fun check_fields (s,Record fields) =
(case duplicate_names (map fst fields)
of NONE => ()
| SOME n => raise ERR "check_fields" ("Duplicate field name: "^n))
| check_fields _ = ()
fun cnames (s,Record _) A = s::A
| cnames (_,Constructors l) A = map fst l @ A
fun check_constrs asts =
case duplicate_names (itlist cnames asts [])
of NONE => ()
| SOME n => raise ERR "check_constrs"
("Duplicate constructor name: "^n)
fun strvariant avoids s = if mem s avoids then strvariant avoids (s ^ "a")
else s
fun tyname_as_tyvar n = mk_vartype ("'" ^ n)
fun stage1 (s,Constructors l) = (s,l)
| stage1 (s,Record fields) = (s,[(mk_recordtype_constructor s,
map snd fields)])
fun check_fields (s,Record fields) =
(case duplicate_names (map fst fields) of
NONE => ()
| SOME n => raise ERR "check_fields" ("Duplicate field name: "^n))
| check_fields _ = ()
fun cnames (s,Record _) A = s::A
| cnames (_,Constructors l) A = map fst l @ A
fun check_constrs asts =
case duplicate_names (itlist cnames asts []) of
NONE => ()
| SOME n => raise ERR "check_constrs"
("Duplicate constructor name: "^n)
fun to_tyspecs ASTs =
let val _ = check_fields ASTs
val _ = check_constrs ASTs
val _ = check_constrs_unique_in_theory ASTs
val asts = map stage1 ASTs
val new_type_names = map #1 asts
fun mk_hol_ty (dAQ ty) = ty
| mk_hol_ty (dVartype s) = mk_vartype s
| mk_hol_ty (dTyop{Tyop=s, Args, Thy}) =

fun mk_hol_ty d (dAQ ty) = ty
| mk_hol_ty d (dVartype s) = mk_vartype (valOf $ Symtab.lookup d s)
| mk_hol_ty d (dTyop{Tyop=s, Args, Thy}) =
if Lib.mem s new_type_names andalso
(Thy = NONE orelse Thy = SOME (current_theory()))
then if null Args then tyname_as_tyvar s
else raise ERR "to_tyspecs"
("Omit arguments to new type:"^Lib.quote s)
case Thy of
NONE => mk_type(s, map mk_hol_ty Args)
NONE => mk_type(s, map (mk_hol_ty d) Args)
| SOME t => mk_thy_type {Tyop = s, Thy = t,
Args = map mk_hol_ty Args}
fun mk_hol_type pty = let
val ty = mk_hol_ty pty
Args = map (mk_hol_ty d) Args}
fun mk_hol_type d pty = let
val ty = mk_hol_ty d pty
if Theory.uptodate_type ty then ty
else let val tyname = #1 (dest_type ty)
in raise ERR "to_tyspecs" (tyname^" not up-to-date")

fun constructor (cname, ptys) = (cname, map mk_hol_type ptys)
val allvars = let
fun perc ((cnm, ptys), A) =
(fn (pt,A) => HOLset.addList(A,ast_tyvar_strings pt)) A ptys
fun perty ((nm, cs), A) = List.foldl perc A cs
HOLset.listItems (List.foldl perty (HOLset.empty asts)
val (dict,_) = List.foldl
(fn (nm, (d,avds)) =>
let val nm' = strvariant avds nm
(Symtab.update(nm,nm') d, nm'::avds)
(Symtab.empty, map (fn (s,_) => "'" ^ s) asts)
fun constructor (cname, ptys) = (cname, map (mk_hol_type dict) ptys)
map (tyname_as_tyvar##map constructor) asts
map (tyname_as_tyvar ## map constructor) asts

Expand Down
26 changes: 26 additions & 0 deletions src/datatype/selftest.sml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -234,6 +234,31 @@ val _ = Datatype.Datatype`
uvmhol3 = <| uvmfld1 : num # (num -> bool); uvmfld2 : bool |>

(* github issue #1140 *)
val _ = tprint "a = aCtr ('a # bool)"
val _ = testutils.quietly Datatype.Datatype‘
a = aCtr ('a # bool)
val aCtr_t =
prim_mk_const{Thy = "scratch", Name = "aCtr"}
handle HOL_ERR _ => (die "constant aCtr doesn't exist"; boolSyntax.T)
val (cty_d,cty_r) = dom_rng $ type_of aCtr_t
val _ = let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type cty_d
if Thy = "pair" andalso Tyop = "prod" andalso length Args = 2 andalso
is_vartype (hd Args)
let val {Thy,Tyop,Args} = dest_thy_type cty_r
if Thy = "scratch" andalso Tyop = "a" andalso
length Args = 1 andalso is_vartype (hd Args)
else die "New type has wrong name/type"
else die ("Argument to aCtr is wrong type: "^type_to_string cty_d)

val _ = tprint "Testing independence of case variables"
val t = Parse.Term `case (x:valbind) of
bind p e => 3
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -469,5 +494,6 @@ val _ = quiet_warnings (fn () =>
val _ = quiet_warnings (fn () =>
(Datatype`a_rec = A ((a_rec # unit # num option # (unit + num)) list) | B unit`)
) () handle _ => die "FAILED!"
val _ = OK()

val _ = Process.exit Process.success;

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